9 - mall time yay

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“did you hear about the jonas brothers’ having a come back? man, im so excited!” kaminari piped, a gleeful expression on his face as he turned to look at me.

i felt so guilty.

he probably realized my isolating tendencies and asked me to go out with him to the mall.

is this a date?


i returned a forced smile and nodded, but directed my attention on my melting ice cream. “if they're going to have concert I'm probably going to attend it.” i replied in between licks.

“omg could i come with you? its been a dream of mine seeing them!!”

fuck why is he so bright all the time?

an invisible force inside my heart pullled tightly, but i was unsure if it was forcing me down a bigger spiral of guilt or… something else.

“yeah, i suppose so.”

we continued our stroll around the mall in awkward silence. i continued eating my ice-cream, careful not to drop any on the floor and waste what kami had offered to pay for. i felt out of my peripheral vision, him looking at me, with a look of concern and a tint of pink painted on his cheeks.

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