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Catra POV



"Nice to meet ya." I said kindly, "You too Y/N, so who is you're plus one?" I asked, "Um my friend and personal assistant MJ." She said smiling. Aww how cute, her smile warms me up, we heard a bang and peeked through the window.

A man walked in and looked around, everyone grew silent. "FOR THE HONOR OF GRAY SKULL!" we all heard.

"Looks like war isn't over.." Y/N said as her eye color changed to icy blue.

She walked over, "The hell do you want?" she asked the guy, "Come with me.. Princess Y/N." he said smoothly but creepy.

"Don't make me frosty..." she said as her hair turned white.

The guy grabbed her wrist and tried dragging her out, she grabbed his arm where he was grabbing her wrist and twisted it and turned the inside of his hand frozen. "You wouldn't like it when I'm frosty.." She said. "Bad ass indeed." I muttered, more men around 6 feet or higher came in, one which was the tallest grabbed Y/N by the throat.

I ran up to him and scratched his face. Y/N's eyes quickly turned brown and her hair brown with red highlights. "Looks like I might as well join." Shera said as we all tried fighting the men off from Y/N.

"ADORA! GET THE RUBY FROM HIS SWORD!" Y/N yelled as she tried protecting people with her fire power's.

"I will do what I can but distract him Catra." Adora telephatically told me.

"When did you-" "Don't ask." Adora interrupted my thoughts.

I sharpened my claws with some glass to cause some noise distraction which got the guy's attention, "HEY UGLY BETTY!" I yelled, he turned around and smirked. "Calm down pussy cat.." He said as he chocked me.

"AHHH!" He yelled as he let go, he tumbled down, And there stood Y/N behind him.

She sliced him up with fire.

She closed her eyes and her hair went crazy. Objects floated and so did she. Her hair went neutral color and then the guys that came in disappeared.

"Y/N!" Adora yelled, Y/n ran to her and hugged her, I felt my heart shatter, Y/n might of just been an ally that I wanted in my side but that's a whole 'nother perspective now.

"Catra are you okay?" I looked up and saw scorpia. Everyone was quiet that a horde soldier was here.

"Let's go... clearly people don't want us here.." I whispered a little loud to Scorpia.

Everyone cheered on and continued the party. Adora looked at me with a hurt face, "You don't have to go-" I cut her off, "Clearly no one likes us or wants us here." I said kind of reffering that to myself.

"Well I do." someone said, I turned around and saw Y/n. "I-uh-" "Why leave so early the party has just begun." she said with a small smirk.

"You are so right." I said looking at Adora and smirking at the fact I have her ally on my side, totally just for that reason.

Adora rolled her eyes and crossed her arms and gave me a goofy smile.

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