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I felt myself falling and falling with screams behind me, I guess we were almost there. Before I fell, I saw a bunch of blue and fell in it.

It was the ocean.

I felt myself going deeper and deeper, it kinda felt nice to hear nothing but silence, but still... I realized I couldn't swim. I felt something pull me up, when I reached the top, I gasped for air.

"Y/N are you alright???" Catra asked as she held me close, "Yeah... I guess I am." I said as I looked around and saw all of the princesses looking at me.

"I didn't think other planets had oceans." Mermista said as she swam around, she tried to control the ocean, but she couldn't. "This is very unusual." She said. I saw a bunch of land in a far distance. "Guys, come on!" I said as I pointed at the land I saw. Catra carried me on her back as she did the swimming for me.

We all finally reached land and rested on the sand.

"What now?" Bow asked. "We look for what we are looking for! Reasons why the universe is at stake and how our planet is affecting it!" I exclaimed.

"No offense babe. But that is a bad plan." Catra said as she crossed her arms. "We don't even know how the planet works, did you even make research before you got here?" Catra asked. "I did!" Entrapta said excitedly.

"Apparently this planet is like ours but more informational, there is a great danger here though so don't get too close! But, there is a jewel that can... Ya know give us the information if I have it!" Entrapta said as she imagined herself grabbing the jewel.

Everyone looked at eachother confused. "Where can we find it?" Glimmer asked, "Cause I think it's a waste of time that we are all in a planet that nobody except her here knows and we could've been using our time for OTHER THINGS! But still, I love a good adventure so please do tell where we can find this certain jewel." Glimmer rambled, Catra and I exchanged glances.

"It's in the heart of of a specific city. But people will do anything for outsiders to not get it. So I say we separate in groups by rankings." Entrapta suggested.

We all nodded.

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