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MJ And I walked out of the palace with an army of soldiers and walked to the kingdom of brightmoon.

Once we made it inside the palace, we saw Queen Moon sitting on her throne, she gasped and quickly got up and bowed to me, "No need to do that Queen Moon, Im looking for Princess Glimmer." I said.

"She is in her room, but if you'd like I can go get her-" "I can go talk to her, my guards here will protect you in case of any attack because I'm here, point me the directions to her room and I'll be on my way." I said.

/We skippin/

I knocked on her door, "WHAT NOW MOM!" She shouted, I sighed and knocked the door, she groaned loudly as I heard laughter, she opened the door.

"What-" then she saw me.

"Holy crap."

"What's up Glimmer?" Her dark skinned friend asked, then he saw me and froze.

"What is it- Y-Y/N?" Adora asked.

I smiled a little.

"I- come in! Where are my manners." Glimmer stammered. I walked in and closed the door.

"So what brings you here? We never have seen you out of your castle-" I paused her.

"The horde attacked my kingdom, but the way they did it is what got me mad." I said quietly at the last part. "Oh... I'm so sorry y/n, is there anything we can do to help?" Adora asked.

I looked at her with a broken look.

I nodded, "Okay, what would you like?" She asked.

I took a deep breath.

"Let me join the rebellion."

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