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I walked to the balcony where I met catra and MJ holding a glass of water. "So.... you ready to go?" Mj asked quietly. I looked at Catra who had a face that screamed 'please don't go' I looked at the ball and then at MJ, can't I stay for at least one more dance.

"Sure." Mj said as she walked out.

I looked at Catra. "You okay?" I asked. She looked at me quietly and nodded. I started softening her hands and she blushed.

A song started playing and I got up.

She looked at me as I made a position, "May I have this dance m'lady." "You most certainly May!" She said holding my hand. We laughed and both ran inside while giggling.

I got into a dancing position and started dancing with her. She leaned her head on my shoulder as we danced. I looked at someone as she stared at us. It was Adora.

She looked sad and concerned. We had to switch partners and I switched to Adora and Catra switched to Glimmer.

"So.... how is Catra?" She asked quietly. "She's alright, she's so kind and sweet..." I said smiling. "Not the Catra I know..." she said quietly. We switched partners. The song was about to end and I danced with Catra one last time.

"So about the rebellion..." she said quietly. "What about the rebellion?" I asked kinda knowing what she wanted. "Are you joining a side?" "No." I replied fast.

She snorted as I twirled her. "Listen, you are the most powerful princess on the planet and you are telling me that even though you can end the rebellion in a snap, you aren't joining? I'm sorry but you're stupid." She snickered.

I glared at her. "My duty is to protect my people." "And you're people would be in peace."

"Aren't you the one suppose to be getting me on you're side? Because it's not really working." I said.

She sighed, "Look, I'm just trying to prove a point and tell you what you are doing wrong." She almost tripped but I caught her. "That's my job." I said.

I was about to walk away but Catra grabbed my arm,  "I'm sorry..." she said quietly. "You know what? It's fine but I'd like people to once stop depending on me to solve all of their problems and when I'm done, throw me under the bus! I have everyone's back, but no one has mine..." I said trying to cover tears from streaming down my face.

She held both of my hands. "Well let me change that. For now on you have my back and I will have yours..." she said as she tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "You promise?" I asked her feeling the warmth of her hand soften my face.


"I promise."

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