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next day

I was going with Ronald, Hermione and Ginny. Ron said something like we need to find Harry cause He must to tell him something. We saw Harry and Neville. Neville waved us. 

,, Harry Seamus heard that Parvati told that.." Hermione was trying say 

,,Wait what." Harry said confused.

Hermione came back to Ron and to Harry again.

,, Seamus heard that... Hagrid is trying to find you!" Hermione said.

,, ok so.." Harry tried.

,, I am not a owl!" Hermione yelled.

Then Hermione was going away with Ron and Ginny. Harry gave me confused look. I stopped and went to him.

,Are you ok?" I asked

,, It could be worse." Harry smiled.

,, Ari! " Hermione shouted.

,, see you" I whisper. Harry noddded

I was going with Harry and Ronald. Ron seemed angry. Really angry.  It was almost night. We came into their room. 

,, You could tell me." Ron said.

,, what do you mean." Harry said.

,, You know exactly what I mean'' Ron said upset.

,, Ron.." I tried.

,, Ok I didn't put my name into this cup. I don't know what happened tonight. It just did." Harry said.

,, You are being stupid." He said. Ron layed on his bed and turned to wall. Harry turned to me. Perhaps that I should go.

,, of course stupid Harry Potter's friend." Ron said. Harry wanted go to him but I took his arm.

,,Dont.." I whispered. I was staring at him for few seconds but then I realized I have to go.

,, I'll go. Good night Harry." I smiled.

,, Good night." He said. Then I walked to my room.

next day

I was going with Ron and Seamus. I saw Malfoy staring at me. Why me? 

,,Bloody Hell. Harry could tell us." Ron said. Wait Wait. I stopped giving him a killling look. They stopped as well.

,,He couldnt do anything Ron!" I yelled.

,,Oh you defending him!" Ron rose his eyebrows.

,,Of course I do! He is your best friend!" I punch him to arm.

,, Here he is coming your prince!" Ron said.

,, What's your problem Weasley?" I yelled going away.

Harry is coming to Cedric tell him something. I was going after him but my bag fell. Oh my god all of my things are on the ground. I put them into back again. Oh no. Harry is talking with Ronald and Seamus.

, I know so" Harry told him.

,, anything else?" Ron rose his eyebrow.

,yeah stay away from me!" Harry said.

,, fine " ron said angrilly.

Harry turned ro Ronald then I stopped him.

,, Oh hello Harry" I smiled.

,,  Hey" He said 

,, I don't know what is his problem" I said.

,, He doesnt believe me." Harry looked into my eyes.

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