Chapter 5

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Dear Lucinda and Olivia,

I just wanted to say thank you for making my life a living hell. Even though you let me go to real school, got me a phone and a laptop, you still made it the worse 5 years of my life. But now it's not gonna be so bad because I won't be living here anymore.

I talked to the bank people and they said that the money my parents gave me is now mine. So it now belongs to it's rightful owner and not you two.


I finish writing the letter and quickly go back up to my room and put it on my desk. The boys have finished but now they're packing up. Zach is the first one to come and put something away in the bus.

"Oh hey your already here. And you've made sure you have got everything?" He says putting his stuff away.

"Yeah my room is practically empty now." I say smiling.

"Ok good we will only be a few more minuets." He says going back to get more stuff.

One by one everyone else comes onto the bus and I see Olivia standing outside of it, with Daniel. I knew Daniel is her favourite back can she like back off.

"Aye, don't be to jealous, he thinks your sister is rude." Jonah says, he obviously sees that I'm looking at them.

"Pfff I wasn't l-looking at t-them" I say trying to act like I don't care about it by looking away. But I can't help it! So I quickly look again.

"Rightttt..." He says laughing a bit.

I give him a soft punch in the arm.

"Stopppp" I say trying to hide my smile. I start blushing a bit.

"Ahaha ok ok I'll stop, but only if you stop blushing." he says.

I blush even more, he just laughs. I look out the window again. Olivia has moved closer to Daniel and he doesn't seem bothered by it. Then she kisses him on the lips. I gasp. He moves away. He didn't even kiss her back. So thank goodness.

"Why did you gasp?" Zach asks.

"I uhhh..." I don't want to tell them.

"Because her sister just kissed the love of her life." Jonah says laughing, he can't stop laughing.

I start blushing really bad again. The boys look confused. Then Jonah nods toward Olivia and Daniel and they all immediately realise its' Daniel. The guys all start laughing.

"Oh cmon its not that funny." I say trying to hide the smile on my face. A minute later Daniel comes on the bus, I look at him and he can tell that I saw the kiss so he comes over and sits next to me.

"Hey" He says getting comfortable.

"Hi.." I say looking out the window as we start driving off.

"You ok..?"

"I'm fine".

"Did you see her kiss me?"


"I moved away as soon as she did it." He says with a concerned look on his face.

"Its alright, I saw"

"So your not mad at me?" He asks looking a bit sad. I put my hand on his hand.

"Not even a little mad." I say smiling. He's smiling too, which is good. I get all of their numbers in my phone and I put my head on Daniels shoulder for the rest of the drive to their house.

We get to there place and, Woah, it's just us big as Lucinda's house. The guys help me unpack and I even have my own room! It's a big room and there is a balcony too, and the view is beautiful. I settle in and Jack and Zach are cooking dinner, they are making homemade pizza. Which is good because I love pizza.

"GUYS DINNER IS READY!" Zach and Jack shout from the kitchen.

I go downstairs and see the table set and everything. All the boys are there sitting down and already digging in. I come over and I have the choice of either sitting next to Zach or Daniel. I take a seat next to Zach which makes Daniel look sad. I only sat next to Zach so I could look at Daniel without it being so obvious that I'm staring at him.

Daniel clearly didn't get the hint, so I cross my fingers hoping that he has his phone on him. I text him.

Ella- I didn't sit next to you because I wanted to look at you without making it obvious.

His phone dings and he gets it out of his pocket. Yes! He reads it and looks up at me smiling.

"Who was that?" Jonah says looking at me then at Daniel.

"No one in particular" Daniel says smiling.

Zach is looking at me so I look at him. He is shaking his head but also trying not to laugh because he knew the text was from me.

Once everyone finishes eating I help Daniel do the dishes.

"You don't have to help ya know." He says washing the plates.

"I know but I want too." I say wiping the dishes.

He finishes washing and I'm putting away the last plate. I set it down neatly away then I feel someone behind me. I turn around and Daniels face is inches away from mine. He leans in to kiss me, eyes closed and everything. I slowly close my eyes leaning in too. But then I hear someone calling Daniels name. I pull away before we kiss because it isn't one of the guys calling him. Its a girl.

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