Chapter 16

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Jonah's POV.

Then there is a sudden knock on the door and it opens. Jonah quickly turns his head to see who walked in. It's Ella...

Only silence fills the air as she comes closer towards me.

Me: "H-hey..."

She doesn't say anything... she just moves closer to me, shes only a few inches apart from me. We just stand in the middle of Corbyns room. She opens her mouth to say something but then she closes it and just stares into my eyes, with me staring back into hers. I can feel my heart beginning to go faster each second we stand here.

Ella's POV.

I was about to tell him how I felt. But then for some reason Daniel came back into my mind. Instead we just stare at one another. I want to kiss him right here and now, but I can't do that. I can't do that to Daniel. I know how he feels and if I kiss Jonah it will only make matters worse. I wrap my arms around Jonahs waist and bury my face in his jumper.

He takes a second to realise I hugged him but he then hugs me back. I can hear his heart beating very fast. He must be really nervous right now... or maybe he's excited, probably both. It feels so right being in his arms but I just need to clear things up with Daniel first.

Me: "Look Jonah...I-"

Jonah: "It's fine I get it if you don't feel the same way..." He says pulling away from the hug. He looks down at the floor and he looks sad now.

Me: "What? Jonah no... I- I do like you... I like you a lot, it just..." I look away... not wanting him to see me upset.

Jonah: "You like me just not in the way I want you to like me I get it." He says his final words and leaves me alone in the room.

Me: "Jonah wait!" I yell going after him. But it's to late he's already out the front door. I run down the stairs and out the door and I go after him following him into the woods, "J-Jonah...? Hello?"

It's a lot darker than before and I don't know where I am, I left my phone at the house so I can't call anyone. I've lost Jonah and I don't even know how long I've been out here looking for him.

I find a log and go sit on it to get my breath back. For some reason a whole heap of emotions just started to come over me. I starts bawling my eyes out not being able to stop. Out of no where I feel someones hand on my shoulder. I shoot up from the log and look behind me only to meet the eyes of Daniel.

Me: "Dani... hey.. w-what are you doing out here..?" I say sniffling.

Dani: "I could ask you the same thing"

Me: "Well I'm um... looking fo-"

Dani: "Yeah Jonah I know, so am I" He says cutting me off.

Me: "How did you know that he would be out here? How do you even know that he ran?"

Dani: "Ella I've been following you since you left the house..."

Me: "huh..?"

Dani: "Well after I saw you with Jonah I only ran outside for some air, I didn't go anywhere. I was about to head back inside, but then Jonah came running out and then you came out and I couldn't let you guys go in the woods. alone. together."

Me: "So you just decided that it was OK to follow me?" I say a little bit annoyed.

Dani: "Yes...?"

I stand there looking slightly annoyed at him, but also glad he still cares.

Me: "Dani I don't know what to do..."

Dani: "What do you mean..?"

Me: I look down at my feet, "You know with this... this love triangle" I sit back down on the log.

Dani: "Love Triangle..?" He asks confused.

Me: I giggle, "I swear Seavey you are hopeless, the love triangle between you, me and Jonah..."

Dani: "oh... right yeah how could I forget..." He says rolling his eyes and sitting down on the log.

Me: "Geez, alright no need to be salty."

Dani: "pfft, me? Salty? I'm not salty!"

Me: "Whatever you say then, I guess I'll continue finding Jonah and tell how much I like him. Which is A LOT btw" I say with a smirk on my face.

Dani: "Wait... WHAT?!??" He says standing up, "please just give me another chance!!"

Me: "Seavey chill I was just kind of joking."

Dani: "oh... you could've told me that before I went all crazy... Look Ella I really like you and I know things didn't start off great with us when we got back from the party, but I really felt a connection back then... I honestly think that I... Love you..." He says looking down and rubbing the back of his neck with his left hand and grabbing my hand with his right hand.

Me: "Daniel... I-...."

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