Chapter 15

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Soon after Daniel left the house Jonah came to my room.

Jonah: "Is everything ok? What happened?"

Me: "Daniel kissed me and I pushed him away... and he got a bit... upset". I say looking down

Jonah: He walks over to me and sits on the bed next to me. He puts his hand under my chin and lifts my head so I'm looking at him. "Don't worry, he'll be alright and if you ever need to talk I'm here for you".

He smiles and I just look at him with a thankful expression on my face. He then leans in and kisses my forehead. Gosh, he's so sweet. Wow, I really need to stopppp. But I can't he's just such an amazing guy. I mean how can anyone resist his cute smile, exactly they can't!

Me: "Thanks Jonah, I'm glad things between us haven't changed that much." I say snuggling into his chest.

He just hugs me tight and sighs with relief. We are still hugging when I hear someone open and close the front door. I then hear someone jogging up the stairs.

Daniel: "Hey Ella I'm sor- WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!?" I hear Daniel yell. I quickly move away from Jonah and turn to Daniel.

Me: "He is just comforting me. Daniel, it's not like that." I say calmly.

Daniel: "I go for not even 10 minutes and your already snuggling up to him! I came back to say sorry to you because I felt bad!" He starts getting angrier, I don't know what to do.

Me: "Daniel please just relax." I say going over to him.

Daniel: "No don't come near me, I'm so done with your bullshit!" He says running out of the room.

Me: "DANIEL!" I say calling out for him as he runs back out the front door, "For Fuck sake!" I yell and storm back into my room and plonk my self on my bed with my face in my pillow.

Jonah: "Ella it's alright, he'll get ove-"

Me: "JONAH GO AWAY!" I say cutting him off with my face still buried in the pillow.

I feel him getting off my bed and he leaves the room closing my door silently. As soon as he leaves I start bawling my eyes out. Why did I yell at Jonah, he did nothing wrong, ugh I feel so guilty now.

Jonah's POV.

I silently close her door but I stay there for a little. I start to hear her cry, I want to go back in there and comfort her again but I feel it will only make matters worse. After all, she did yell at me telling me to go away...

I walk over to Corbyns rooms which is next to mine.

Me: "Uhhh Corbs?" I say knocking on his door and slowly come in.

Corbyn: "Hey... is everything alright? I keep hearing yelling and screaming every now and then, what's going on?" He asks with a worried expression on his face.

Jonah: "It's Daniel, he's going crazy because Ella said she needs time, he kissed her but she pulled away, she doesn't want to get into a relationship with him straight away" I start to explain.

Corbyn: "Ok... and..?" He asks sounding a bit more intrigued.

Jonah: "So then Daniel got mad and stormed out, I heard what happened so I went to comfort Ella but when Daniel got came back to say sorry he saw her cuddling me so he got even madder. I tried to see if she was ok but she pushed me away and yelled at me telling me to go away..." I say looking down at the floor.

Corbyn: "You like her don't you?" Corbyn asks, but with the tone in his voice, it sounded more like a fact than a question. 

Jonah: "What? No! Bro I came to you so you could give me advice, not ask me about my love life." I say rolling my eyes and then flopping onto Corbyn's bed.

Corbyn: "ok fine. I'll give you advice only if you admit that you actually like Ella."

Third Person
It was silent only, the deep and quiet breathing coming from the two boys fills the air. Jonah looks to his side to face Corbyn who is giving him a just-hurry-up-and-admit-it-already kind of look.

Jonah: Ughhh ok fine! I like Ella. While we were fake dating I started getting feelings for her and considering we both agreed to not catch feelings for one another I didn't know what to do and when Anna gave me the offer of catching up with her I took it so I could get my mind of Ella. But that didn't work and it only made things worse." Jonah finally admits.

Corbyn is quiet for a moment but then he holds up his phone and presses something on it. Then all of a sudden the voice of Jonah starts speaking through his phone. Repeating exactly what he had just said to Corbyn. As soon as Jonah realises he's been played by one of his best friends he gets up and tries to take the phone off of Corbyn.

Jonah: "Dude what the hell! Why did you do that for?"

Corbyn: "Sorry buddy it needed to be done we can't have you sulking around all the time we have tour soon! Besides I already sent it..." Corbyn says with a smug smirk on his face. Jonah is speechless.

Jonah: "S-s-sent it..? To who?!?" Jonah asks stuttering.

Corbyn: Corbyn gets off the bed and walks into his bathroom (which is in his bedroom) and before closing the door he says. "Ella" then quickly locks his door so he doesn't get attacked by Jonah.

Then there is a sudden knock on the door and it opens.  Jonah quickly turns his head to see who walked in.

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