Chapter 6-My secret

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•~×Sade's P. O. V×~•

I woke up in a strange place. Then a woman saw I was awake.
She walked to me and asked. "Do you know what happened to you." I shook my head. "No ma'am I don't remember anything. All I do remember is I felt sick so I took a walk and I woke up here. " I looked down, trying to remember. "Well you seem fine, so you may go. " She said calmly. I nodded, thanked her and left. I roamed the halls and turned a corner and bumped into a hard surface. I looked up and saw... Him.

"I'm sorry sir, I wasn't looking. " He looked at me and snarled. "Professor Snape. " He snapped. I looked down and back up. "Pardon? " I asked him looking right in his amazing onyx eyes and only seeing hate they looked familiar but I let that slip my mid as he became to talk again. "It's not sir, it's Professor Snape to you, silly girl." He barked back. "Of course sir. I'm sorry Professor Snape for my rudeness, pardon me for bumping into you-" "Again! " He finished my sentence with anger in his voice. "Yes sir. " I looked back down at the ground.

"Go to your common room, now." He snapped. "I'm sorry professor but I don't know where that is. " He roughly grabbed my arm and led me to the dungeons and too a giant picture of a man named...

"Salazar Slytherin"

"The password is Pure blood. " He said, handed my a schedule and turned around. "Classes start Monday, oh and 5 points will be taken from Slytherin because of your ability to bump into someone. " He snapped his head towards me and gave me one last nasty look and left. "Pure blood. " The portrait swung open and let me in. I went towards the girls dormitories and began to unpack. Class start tomorrow.


I flopped one my bed and took a nap. I was alone, so I didn't have to share a room, which was great.

I woke up around 11:00 at night, I couldn't sleep so I decided to take a walk around the dungeons. As I carefully opened the portrait door and quietly shut the door. I was a little cold, I wouldn't doubt that anyways I was only wearing thigh high shorts, with thin leggings underneath, a long sleeve with a v neck, showing a good about of skin and some fuzzy slippers, that I adored.

As I was walking I started to hear footsteps a good distance behind me. It sounded like the steps were hurried, so I quietly ran upstairs and outside. I sat by the black lake and looked up at the half moon hanging above the stars. I started to get tired while looking at the water but instead of heading to my room and possibly getting caught I went by the first tree I saw and layed on its trunk. My eyelids began to fall, until I heard the snap of a twig behind the tree I was on. I quietly tried to ball up and make myself less noticeable but it didn't work. A bright light was walking up to me and stopped a good 5 feet in front of me.
"Ms. Daniels what are you doing out here way past your curfew? " Professor lupin softly asked as he lowered his wand.

"I'm sorry professor I wasn't able to sleep so I went for a walk but a noise scared me so I came out here to clear my head and almost fell asleep." I looked down while responding. "Alright follow me. I'll walk you back to your dorm. " He started to walk and i was so tired I could barely walk and tripped. As I was falling, I was caught by strong arms, I looked up to a bright smile and a face full of scars. "I think your having trouble staying awake, here, come here. " He picked me up bridal style and as I dug my head in his neck falling asleep I could feel his chest vibrate from him chuckling. He walked me half why down the dungeons until he stopped and I could hear faint talking. Until I was gently put into someone else's arms "good night lupin." I heard such a velvety voice it sounded familiar but I was to tired to really think about who it belonged to and I felt as if I was be stared at but before I could even peek at who it was I feel back asleep.

I woke up the next morning in my bed, confused. What happened last night? I got up early, took a shower, got dressed in a thigh high skirt with knee high tights, my Slytherin robes, and a flower crown. Thats when I noticed MY MASK WAS GONE AND CLASSES STARTED TODAY!
I searched my entire room it wasn't here. No no no no.... I sat there on my bed thinking about where it could be. I'll have to leave soon anyways better to get over it now.

I walked out of my room and luckily everyone was now at breakfast. I slowly walked to the Great Hall and when I opened the door everyone stopped and looked at me wide eyed. I quickly walked to Slytherin table and sat more towards the teacher's table, I could feel dozens of eyes on me. I grabbed an apple and ran out the Great Hall and walked outside, I could hear a pair of heavy foot steps behind me. I quickened my pace. As I was far enough from the castle that I was at some boat house and I sat there until I heard the footsteps again. "Hello? How's there? " I called out. "Aren't you suppose to be in class, Ms. Daniels? " Professor Lupin responded and walked closer to me. I began to think. He was the one who walked me to my dorm... Then my mask disappeared!

"What did you do with my mask?" I blurted out. He looks at me curiously "Pardon me? "
"You were the one that walked me to my dorm and I know i wouldn't take my mask off, so WHAT DO YOU DO WITH MY MASK! Sir. " I lost my temper. He didn't look mad that I just yelled at him all he did was smile. "Actually Ms. Daniels, Professor Snape brought you back to your dorm. " WHAT, GOD DAMN IT I'LL NEVER GET MY MASK BACK NOW! "I apologize Professor Lupin, I thought you took my mask. " All he did was smile. As I was walking to the open archway he spoke. "What's so special about that mask anyways, if you don't mind me asking? " I looked down and continued walking. As I came into view of a walking Professor Snape I ran up to him and let all my anger out. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, I WANT MY MASK BACK NOW OR SO HELP ME GOD! " I slammed him into a wall with strength I never knew I had. I could see a flicker of fear in his gorgeous onyx eyes.


"Follow me Miss Daniels" He pushed me off and began walking. We came to a door and he grabbed my shoulder pushing me roughly into his office. I turned around and looked right into his eyes. Wait they looked familiar. No.... It couldn't be. Was he the man that killed my brother. No it can't be.

"What did you do with my mask? Please I just want it back." He walked pass me and sat down behind his desk.

•~×Severus's P. O. V×~•

"You're not getting it back, you don't need it. " I saw her get shaken back as she stared into my eyes. Does she know?

She fell to here knees and it happened just like I thought. She spawned her wings and change her piercing blue eyes so they have snake like slits for pupils, nothing too powerful but I have a feeling it won't last long that if she can't keep her cool...if she knows what I had to do. Her raven wings began to spread out, a good 5 feet long and 4 feet wide. I smirk at the now floating winged first year.

"Welcome back, heir of Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin."

The girl in the mask (Snape x reader)Where stories live. Discover now