Chapter 20- My awakening

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•~×Severus' P. O. V×~•

I walked into my room in the middle of the night and saw her laying in my bed. I moved towards her sleeping form and sat down beside her, she started to smell. I sighed and let the room to grab my wand next to my couch. I went back to her side and cleaned her with a spell of my own creation that works much better then the original. She needs different clothes too. I raise my wand again and change her clothes to one of my white button ups and a pair of black undergarments. I pulled the blankets back up. "I'm sorry Amour.... " I got up and moved to the other side of the bed and only removed my shirt and layed down next to her on top of the covers and fell asleep.

•~×Amour's P. O. V×~•

I open my eyes to a very dark room. I look around but stop when I feel a shift next to me.

What was that? Where am I?

I shift myself to look at what it is, I see someone laying next to me. Professor Snape?

"Sir? Where am I? " I say while shaking him. He groans a bit and shifts so hes on his stomach. I see he's above the blanket. But he's not wearing a shirt.....

"Sir? " I whispered
He groaned a bit again but didn't move. He's not awake yet. I poked his side but instead of a groan... I got a moan.

Okay... Don't do that. Or do it more. I do an evil smirk and carefully move the blanket off me and i move closer. Closer. Closer. Until i was almost on top of him. I had to get really close so I could get his other side. In a quick 2 seconds i'm tickling his sides.. hard. He jumped up and roll so he was on top of me still on the bed. One of his hands grabbed both my hands and pinned them above me. His other hand had his wand in it and pointed at my neck. Okay i should've stopped. Oop.
He looks at me still half asleep. "Sir? " He shakes his head a bit.

"Ms.Slytherin? " He shook his head a bit more, but looked really tired. "You're awake... " He slowly slid his wand away from my neck but stayed on top of me. "When did you wake up? " I relaxed a bit and responded "a couple minutes ago, I was trying to wake you. " He looked away then back at me. "How did you try to wake me? " I remember is moan.. It was kinda hot, I wanna hear it again. WAIT WHAT?!? No no no no no.... Stop.

I think for a minute about poking his side again. I'mma do it. "Like this. " I move my hand out of his grip and poked his side again but harder this time. He moved this body to the side away from my finger and made a small noise. "Don't do that! " I giggled and asked. "Are you ticklish? " He got mad and his grip on my hand got tighter. "No, so don't do it again. " I smirked and before he could move. I used all my fingers this time and tickled his side for longer. He made a louder noise this time. He wiggled trying to get away but his leg that was keep him up slipped and he fell on me and squished me. I laughed and looked as his face, and he was really red in the face. He looked away but i could see him biting his lip hard trying not to make any more noises.

He looked back at me and looked in my eyes. He still looks mad at me but his face relaxes and he slowly moves and gets up. " I'm gonna call someone to come check on you. " He grabbed a shirt put it on and left. I look down at what I'm wearing and i realized it's only a white button up shirt and a set of black undergarments. I get off the bed and walk to one of the walls with the bookshelf on it. Wait if hes getting someone I think I should find something else to wear. I move from all the glorious books and go to his closet to try to find something to wear. I start looking through his clothes....its all the same clothes..what the heck..the guy and black are best friends. Theres not a single other color I can see. Oooo shorts??? I guess it works. I grab the shorts and put them on...there so big. But they'll have to do. I walk out the closet and sit on the bed and wait. About five to ten minutes later Professor Snape walks in with Madame. She smiles and walks closer to me and checks me over. "She'll be fine..she just needs rest."

Professor Snape takes a step forward "alright can you take her to her rooms or do i have too?" She grumbles abit. "She still cant be moved yet she'll have to stay her another 2 nights just incase. "Well go find another teacher to do it." He said clearly still angry with me.

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