Chapter 13-My House and Classes

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•~×Amortentia P. O. V×~•

I woke up early to go to breakfast in the Great Hall. I left my room and began walking around as I was turning a corner I bumped into someone. And we fell, I landed on their chest. Damn I can feel their muscles!.!.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't looking. " I looked up and I saw Professor Snape. "Oh... I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking. " "Clearly. Now. Get. Off."
As I was getting my legged slipped and I almost kneed him in the baby maker. So instead I had to move my leg to the side and accidentally rubbed my leg against his thing... Down there...

"I-I-I'm so sorry. I s-slipped. "
"Get... O-Off. Me. NOW! "
I quickly got off and was able to this time with out causeing any trouble. I was about to help him when Professor Lupin came. " Ms. Slytherin." He bowed his head towards me in acknowledgement. "Snape... " He snarled. "Lupin." " I heard loud voices is everything okay? Or were you just being yourself Sniv.. Snape? " "We are fine sir I accidentally bumped into Professor Snape and made us both fall down. " His eyes looked livid but he was smirking, probably just the trickery/reflection of the light.

I went to apologize to Professor Snape again but he was gone. It was just me and.... Lupin.

•~×Severus' P. O. V×~•

While Amor (Amortentia's nickname) was telling Wolfie what happened I saw something flicker in his eye... Jealousy, rage, and sadness. Whatever I'm leaving. I walked quickly to my personal rooms. God I have to take a cold shower. This should not be happening. I went into my rooms and straight to the bathroom. I turned on the water and stripped. As I stepped in I leaned on the wall. I slid my hand down and grabbed hold of something that was in need of attention.

She was beautiful under me, the way the sun shines off her, the way the waves in the distance made everything feel like it was slowing down. The way her hair layed every where like fire. Her green eyes were pericing my obsidian ones. Her hands roamed my body, and went lower with every second. She grabbed hold of me and I groaned.. Loudly. She began to run her fingers up and down my shaft. She moved her leg, then everything changed. Her hair began to turn blonde and the beautiful emerald green began to fade. She began to fade. AMORTENTIA.?! She started to moved her body downwards and took my length into her mouth all 9 1/2 inches. I want to stop her but don't at the same time. She stared to lick my tip and lightly nip at it too. I felt like I would already burst. I pulled away and took her pants and under garments off. I slowly but forcefully shoved myself in her and began to bump in and out. After awhile I have out at burst.

What just happened, I didn't just get off to a fucking student... Shit.

I cleaned my self off and got ready for the day.. Again. Tonight everyone comes back. Yay.

•~×Amortentia's P. O. V×~•

I was walking around outside when I saw a beautiful lake I went over to it and in the distance I saw a REALLY big squid. I was skipping rocks when I heard kids. Probably just here early it's fine just don't bother them and they won't bother you. Right.... Hopefully. I was looking for another good rock when I heard the voices stop and the footsteps. I look up and see the three kids that we ran into yesterday. "H-Hello." I was kinda  creeped out they didn't say it back all they did was stare at me like I just grew another head. "You can speak in parseltounge? Oh wait your that girl.... Amortentia Slytherin right? " "Yes."

The other boy with flaming red hair walked forward and looked mad. "Just cause you can speak parseltounge too doesn't mean you can steal Harry from us. " "Ronald Weasley you twit. She's new. " "Who's Harry? "
They stopped bickering and looked at me. "You mean you don't know who Harry Potter; The boy who lived, is? " I shook my head no. "I like you already.. " "Harry she's a Slytherin she's related to You-Know-Who. " "Who's that? " "We'll explain later but now we have to get to dinner, so see ya later. " " Bye bye. " After I threw a couple more rocks I walked back too.

I went up to the school and saw all the first years entering the school. So I followed cause I still had to be sorted. After awhile Professor McGonagall I believe her name was. Came out and told us things.... I didn't really pay attention. Cause I already knew it all. We walked into the great all and stood at the front. "Now when I call your name you will sit on the seat and when the hat calls a house. go sit with your new family. "

"Forge Everwater- RAVENCLAW"
"Winter Booth-HUFFLEPUFF"
"Summer Booth-GRIFFINDOR"
"Griffin Quinlan-HUFFLEPUFF"
"Patty Dykes-SLYTHERIN"

"Amortentia Slytherin..Ahh a Slytherin well there's only one place to put someone as smart, cunning, sweet but fiery, lovable but scary....SLYTHERIN."

The entire Slytherin table roared with applause and whistles. I went over there and sat down  closest to the teachers table. I looked up and saw Snape glaring at me... Is he still mad at me?

I was scared I just heard his voice but he was no where near me? I just looked at the plate in front of me that just filled with food. After dinner, the heads of houses went around and gave kids there class schedules. When Snape reached me he stopped for a second. "Hello sir. " He grunted and headed me my paper. I went to grab it and slightly touched his hand in the process. "Thank you."

1: Transfiguration

2: Charms

3: Free Period

4: Care Of Magical Creatures


5: Potions

6:Muggle Studies

7: Defense Against The Dark Arts

When we were able to leave... I did with out hesitation. I was walking to my room when I bumped into something again. And fell again.. Except this time they were on top of me.. Ouch.
I groan and open my eyes and stare into a void. "You need to watch where your going.. " Yes sir. I'm sorry,....again professor Snape. " He snorted and went to get up butone of the ghost came and scared me and I grabbed onto his cloak and pulled him back down. "Let go of me. " "I'm sorry sir I got scared... Peeves scares me. So does the bloody baron." I don't care. Let. Go. "I let go and let him get up before I helped myslef and continued to walk. I was able to get in my room with out any more problems, but I did feel like I was being watched. Probably just a ghost.

I went into my room and changed. After brushing my teeth I went to bed and still felt weird.. Like I wasn't alone....

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