Chapter 3-My mysterious strangers.

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•~×Severus's P. O. V×~•

I was walking around a book store trying to find a beginner's potion book for class. When I wasn't looking a little girl ran into me "Do watch where... " I stopped talking. I looked at her, she was gorgeous, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen but, she looked terrified as she reached for a mask that was by my feet and put it on. "I'm so sorry sir I wasn't paying attention, that's my fault." She struggled to get all her books, so with out me really thinking I grabbed my wand and made the books float around her. She quickly grabs them, pays, and runs out.

Why cover such a beautiful face. I thought.

School started tomorrow and that means I would have to deal with kids again.... Great. I payed for my book and walked out. As I turned my head to the left I saw her with the mask on looking at owls. She looked so happy the way she moved around. Except the owl she walked out with was a one of a kind, jet black owl with big blue eyes and strips of purple, green, and black around the pupil and the tips of the wings were white.

It was as gorgeous as her. "I'm gonna name him...Moonlight" I heard her call out. She looked over in my direction and snapped her head down. Her mother came up to her and looked at her owl and smiled. She saw she was upset and I walked away quickly.

•~×Sade's P. O. V×~•

"Hon what's wrong? " I told her what happened in the book store. "We will find a way to keep that mask on, to where ONLY YOU can take it off, alright? " I nod quickly and happily skip back to the tavern and we disappear. We went back home and it was already lunch time, so because it was my birthday I got to choose what/where we ate. I choose to stay at home and eat whatever. They were happy about that. I only asked to watch movies together, they were perfectly fine with that.

26 minutes into the movie I fell asleep on my mothers shoulder. Then she fell asleep on my head and my brother fell asleep on the couch arm. We woke up around 3 o clock. My mother went shopping with my brother and I was home alone. There was a knock at the door but I ignored it until it got louder and harder. "OPEN THE DOOR, PLEASE MY HUSBAND IS HURT! A woman yelled but she sounded like a lunatic and kept knocking on the door until she stopped suddenly and you took this moment to run upstairs and grab your mask. When I went to go back down stairs I saw the front door was open. I quickly but quietly went back upstairs and then to the elevator that the only way you could go up was with a key and I went up and stayed there because they took the stairs off and replaced it with flooring, I was safe. I sat on your bed and called my mother. She said to stay in my room and make sure to stay quiet she would be home ASAP and to call the cops and that's what I did. Under 3 minutes there was a popping sound and my mother and brother were in my room. My mom took her key, unlocked the elevator and threw it on my bed. Before either of us could say something the doors closed, and you could hear grunts from downstairs. A good 10 minutes there was a a loud bang and a man yelling "Stupify!"and we heard our mother scream in pain. I whimpered and my brother flinched. My brother did the same thing our mom did and threw his key and I heard another yell but this time it was a girl scream which means he got the girl but there was another person, a male, and my now 18 year old brother yelled and you could hear the wheel chair be thrown down to the 1st floor then a body. I went down stairs only to see two people a man holding a girl both wearing full black cloaks and masks.
The man looked up at me with his black piercing onyx eyes and walked towards me, until he stopped but he didn't stop for long as he lunged at me and slammed me to the floor, he took my mask off and threw it, "Do not try anything. " He said as he got off of me and pointed is wand at me and disappeared.

After another good 15 minutes the cops showed up and took my mother back to the hospital but my brother to the morgue. My mother was in a coma she only took a stunning spell to the stomach when my brother was hit with a killing curse. I started school tomorrow but had no one to help me. I took both keys and put them in the bag I had packed for school.

I ran away from the house the next morning.

I went to the train station and looked for platform 9 3/4, but no luck. Until I saw people with the same carts and even owls. What they did blew me away, they ran through the wall. I did the same but was confident it would work for me too. I appeared on the other side and looked at a train called the Hogwarts Express.

I got on and sat alone, until a girl with red hair and eyes that looked like honey asked to sit down. I let her. She was pretty. Then a boy with black hair and white eyes asked to sit too. We both agreed. I looked at them both and I could tell they were wondering why the mask. "Are you wondering about the mask?" They nodded, I sighed "I wear it to protect the people around me. " They looked at me strangely. "Hi I'm Sade Daniels. " I said changing the subject. The red-headed girl put her hand out. "Im Ashley Harmony, pleased to meet you Sade. " "I'm Crucio, Crucio Maklo." The boy said I shook both there hands and leaned my head on the window and took a nap. The train came to a stop and we still had a while to go. Then it got freezing I went to check it out, but was stopped by a cloaked figure. It's boney fingers reached out to me and i could hear my brother yell and mother scream. I passed out soon after and, when I awoke there was a man with a face full of scars and a sandy brown/tan hair, next to me and the other two kids completely gone. My vision was blurry and saw blood trickle down my face, he asked me to take my mask off, I hesitated. I put my fingers on the sides of the mask and unlatched it. He stared at the wound (or so I thought) and fixed it up pretty fast, I quickly put the mask back on. "I'm Sade Daniels and you,sir?" He didn't answer my question, he only took my hand, kissed the top of it (never breaking eye contact), helped me up to the seat, left me some chocolate, and left.

Two mysterious strangers?

The girl in the mask (Snape x reader)Where stories live. Discover now