•~×Sade's P. O. V×~•
"Yes. Please let me explain. "
Before I said I word my vision started to get blurry and I blacked out.
•~×Severus's P. O. V×~•
Her eyes turned red but nothing else changed. Suddenly the whole room caught on fire I was trapped, the winged, red eyed girl was blocking the door, the only exit.
"You... WHY DID YOU KILL MY BROTHER. " She began to yell and the fire rose. I began a coughing fit and fell to my knees not being able to breath cause all the smoke. "I had to. I didn't know it was your family. If I didn't I would have died and you would have too. " I fell on my side. Coughing again. I felt all my life slowly drifting away, I wouldn't survive this. I passed out but not before I saw the fire die down and her eyes go back to normal.
•~×Sade's P. O. V×~•
My vision started to come back and I saw things were burnt and my potions professor on the floor, passed out.
"Professor... Professor Snape, what happened. Hold on. "I ran to what looked like a potions closet.
Amortentia, Angel's trumpet draught, Blood-replenishing potion, Bloodroot potion, Cure for boils,Dragon poison, Draught of the living Death, Dreamless sleep, Essence of dittany, Flesh-eating slug repellant, Forgetfulness potion, Girding potion, Herbicide potion, invisibility potion, Mandrake restorative draught, Manegro potion, Memory potion, Moonseed poison, Muffling draught.
So many damn potions but I finally found the one I was looking for, a couple healing potions. I ran over to him and rested his head on my lap and gently poured the potion in his mouth. He began to move slowly until he completely jerked up and stood up until he fell on his knees, not facing me. I got up and walked in front of him sitting on my legs, facing him. He slowly but surely looked at me and our eyes locked, he stared at me for a good 2 minutes.
He got up quick and began pacing around his office. I got up and stood in front of him. "I'm sorry for having to do this again.""Do what again? "
I woke up to my stupid alarm. Another dream I can't remember. "Honey, come on we are leaving soon and you still have to get ready and eat. " I quickly realized what today was and bolted to my bathroom and brushed me teeth and hair. I ran down stairs to sit at a large table. "Happy birthday Sade. We love you and it's not everyday your babygirl turns 10, now is it? "__________________________________
I know, I know super short chapter but in case somebody doesn't understand what just happened every thing in the last 7 1/2 chapters was a dream and she is now turning 10 so she isn't at Hogwarts yet. Sorry to disappoint. 😁

The girl in the mask (Snape x reader)
FanfictionUNDER CONSTRUCTION! SNAPE WILL BE YOUNGER IN MY STORY! HE WILL BE 24. BECAUSE I CAN. For mature audiences only! • Bad language • Sexual assault/harassment • Violence She always was the fun one in her family, and she was the most gorgeous person al...