Chapter 4-My arrival

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•~×Sade's P. O. V×~•

As the train came to a complete stop, except this time we were actually at Hogwarts. We all got off to see a Half-giant, calling all first years to follow him. I followed him and got in a boat with Crucio and Ashley and crossed the so called "Black lake". As we walked up the marble stairs, we were stopped by an old professor, Professor McGonagall. She said to follow her and to wait to be sorted into our house. " There are 4 houses, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff. Your house will be your family. Do good you will earn points for your house, do bad... You will lose points for your house. The points will earn you The House Cup. Now please follow me. " All first years followed the old lady and stood waiting patiently for their names to be called.

Ashley Harmony - Slytherin

Jack Howell - Ravenclaw

Crucio Maklo - Slytherin

Ruby Stockwell - Hufflepuff

George Finnegan - Gryffindor

Sade Daniels!
I walk up to the stool and sit I feel the hat touch my head. "Alright you are a tough one, you are. Very powerful, doesn't even know your own power. Very tricky, so where to put you.... I know. - Slytherin. "

I walk over to the Slytherin table and sit by Ashley and Crucio. As we wait another 40 minutes for the rest of the first years to get sorted. Headmaster Dumbledore introduces the new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher, Professor Lupin. He then FINALLY let the feast begin. As everyone was eating I sat there starving.

•~×Severus's P. O. V×~•

Sade Daniels - Slytherin

The girl in the mask, her name, Sade Daniels. As the feast started I was eating and saw the Ms.Daniels wasn't eating because of the mask. I found out how I would ask her. Legilimens.

•~×Sade's P. O. V×~•

"Why do you wear the mask, why hide your face, do not speak out loud, just think your answer." I heard someone talk to me but through my mind. I had no choice but to answer. "I don't like how people look at me if I'm not wearing it." I started to get scared so I got up and left to walk around outside because there was another 30 minutes of dinner.

As I walked around out side I looked around and saw a pair of eyes staring deep into my soul. I walked forward but stopped when the eyes started to move forward too. A big black shaggy dog came out of the bush and walked cautiously towards me. I sat down in the grass by the black lake and the dog came over to me and sat down and layed its head on my lap. I pet the dog and grabbed my wand to summon some food and water. They seem to love me already. I giggled as the dog jumped up and ran over to the food and water. "Are you a boy or girl" The dog barked once. "Boy?" The dog barked in agreement. "Do you have a name?" The dog walked over to me layed down and nudged the pad on its foot. "Pad?" The dog nudged its pad again then my foot. "Oh Padfoot, that's a lovely name." Padfoot finished his food and fell asleep on lap.

I stared at the Black Lake below a beautiful big full moon, petting Padfoot and started to fall asleep until he jerked up and growled left in me know someone was coming. Before I could do anything, a black silhouette approached me from behind and grabbed me by my collar and forcing me up. It was that man from the book store. Does he work here, god I feel so stupid. "What are you doing out here, you should be eating dinner?" So should you! He said never letting go of my collar. "I didn't feel well and thought I was hearing voices, so I came out here to clear my head." He looked shocked as he looked at the dog. He dropped my collar and approached the dog, as he was doing so he was reaching into his sleeve. What's he doing? He started to pull his hand out and I saw.. HIS WAND.

"Wait what are you doing, stop don't hurt him. He just wanted some food. " I ran between the two of them blocking the dog. Looking so worried. "GET OUT OF THE WAY, NOW! " He growled at me. "No, he didn't do anything, he just wanted some company and refreshments. Please stop! " I managed to get that out. "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" He grabbed my arm and flung me out of the way. I stared to feel weird and angry at the same time. I got up again and stood my ground between them. The man tried to grab me again but I put my palm out fingers stretched towards him. He flew backwards smacking his back on the ground. "YOU WILL NOT HURT HIM!" I was about to run to the dog but saw it backup. What's happening! I stopped in my tracks. "What did I just do" I say as I looked at the man from the book store start to stand up. "Come here....NOW MS. DANIELS!" He growls at me as he starts to walk towards me but the dog goes for his leg. The man kicked the dog and all I heard was a whimper come from him.

I charge the man and start beating on his chest. "Why....why did you do that?" He pushed me to the ground and dusted off his cloak. "Great now I have dirt on me." He storms my way after he finished wiping of the "dirt" he grabs my collar again. Is this just his thing? "Let me go!" He stumbled backwards as I fell to the ground and let out a blood curling scream.

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