Chapter 11-My tutor...hates me

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•~×Severus P. O. V×~•

I.. I have to tutor her. You have got to be kidding me. Great, I have better stuff to do then watch and tutor a little girl. "Um my Lord, I don't mean to question you but why do I have to watch this childish twit. " The dark Lord glared at me and I kneeled on one knee and waited for my punishment for questioning him. "Why are you kneeling Mr. Snape? " The little girl said as she poked my shoulder but I was still staring at the floor not wanting to look up. "Get up Severus, and you will watch out for the girl. And you will not like the outcome if she gets hurt. Understand? You're dismissed." "Yes... My Lord. "

I got up and glared at the girl. "Come." I began to walk out of the manor with the girl hot on my heels. As we got to the front gates I grabbed her arm tightly and apperated. As we landed she was surprisingly still standing up straight. I began to walk up to the castle but as we got to the gates I spotted someone on the pathway. As we got closer I realized who it was and growled to myself.... The werewolf. Why is he out here. I started to walk faster to get past him and quickly but he spotted us and began to walk towards us. "Ah severus who's this lovely young lady? " He walked up and kissed Amortentia's hand. "This is Amortentia Slytherin, new student." "S-Slytherin? Well I haven't heard that last name in a long time. " I grabbed her shoulder and began to walk again with the werewolf following us. "Do you not have better things to do then follow us like a lost doggy. " I said with a smirk. " Actually I headed to the castle my self. So I just figured I'd follow you, and maybe talk to
Ms. Slytherin as well. " I start to walk faster, leaving the little girl with the werewolf. "Mr. Snape, why are you walking so fast?" I heard the little chit say. " that's professor to you. We are at Hogwarts now. " I snarled "Geez Snivellus, rude much? " I growled and spun around to glare at the mutt. I had fire in my eyes when I said "Dont call me that mutt. Or I will make your life hell. " " Sir? "

I looked at the girl and then I realized something... She doesn't have a wand. I need to find her an owl as well. "We will leave this place tomorrow to go to Hogmeads so you can get a wand and everything else you need, understand. " Alright Professor Snape. "She turned to Lupin. "I never got your name sir. " "Professor Remus Lupin. Lovely to meet you. " "I know you already know but I'm Amortentia Ravenclaw-Slytherin. And it's nice to meet you too. What do you teach? " "Defense against the dark arts. " I made my throat rumble to get their attention. " We really must be going Ms. Slytherin. Good day Professor. " "Bye professor Lupin. It was nice to meet you sir. " "Good day Ms. Slytherin. A pleasure to meet you. "

I started to walk with her on my heels. " I will show you were your dorm is and you will get up at 7 and be ready by 8 then we will go to Hogsmead to get your stuff. Okay? " " Yes sir. "We walked to the dungeons and I showed her to her room. " Upstairs to the right. Remember be up be 7 and be ready and meet me out side the portrait at 8." " Yes sir. "

•~×Next Day×~•


6:30...Thats what my alarm clock read. I can take a shower and eat. I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hop in the shower. After my I shower got dressed and went to the mini kitchen I have in my room. I don't have to share one luckily. I decided to try and attempt to make eggs and bacon. As I was getting everything ready. I realized I couldn't cook anything I was too small and had no experience, so I just went down to the kitchens. When I got there, I asked the house elf named Lucky if I can have some eggs and bacon. I calmly ate at the table, the Lucky pointed me to. While I was eating, I looked at my watch and it said 7:45, so I decided to get up and start walking to the front door to meet professor Snape.

When I got there, my watch read 7:55. So now all I had to do was wait for the professor. At exactly 8:00, I heard him but he didn't stop walking, he just walked right past me into the front gate. When I finally caught up with him, we apperated to the Leaky Cauldron to get my supplies.

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