Chapter 12-My wand

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•~×Amortentia's P. O. Vו~

As we got to Ollivanders, he broke off saying he had to go find something. I walked into the wand shop and rang the bell. "Hello, is anyone here? " "Ahh Ms. Slytherin. What a pleasure. "

"You know me sir? " " Oh yes. "
He got off is ladder and went down a small hallway that was filled to the roof with wands. "Here try this. " I grabbed the wand but didn't do anything with it. "Well give it a wave. " I waved the wand several things broke. "I'm sorry sir I didn't mean too. " " Its fine nothing a little magic can't fix. " We waved his own wand and everything went back the way it was supposed to be. He went further back and grabbed another wand.. "Let's try this one now. " I took the wand and gave it a light wave but... I broke a shelf and all the wand cane crashing down. I put the wand on his podium and stepped back, with my head down. "Alright.. Hmm" He went where I couldn't see him and came back with a beautiful wand.

It was a black wand with green spirals on it and some grey dots. "Try this one. " I carefully took the wand and the shelf that I broke moments ago fixed it's self and all the wands went back the way they were supposed to go. I could feel something surging inside of me. Magic. "That's a one of a kind wand you've got there Ms. Slytherin. It's a very rare wood, that you can only get from the dark forest. And the core is dragon bone. Extremely rare. I was wondering who would get this wand and when. I've had it for decades. " " Thank you sir. "

I payed him with the money professor snape gave me and walked out. I pocketed my wand and tried to look for the professor, but couldn't find him any where. So I stayed where I was.  After a good 25 minutes he came back with a cage that had clothe on it so I couldn't see in it. "Sir what's in the cage? " "Here." He kinda snapped at me but it didn't bother me cause I knew he was a bit snarky. He took the clothe off and I saw the most beautiful owl ever. " Oh my god he's gorgeous. " He was a black owl with multiple colors in his eyes. And white tips on his wings.

We began to walk back to the Leaky Cauldron but some kid ran into me. He had emerald green eyes and black hair. "I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going. " He helped me up and he looked at Professor Snarky. I mean... Ummm Snape. Yeah that. Ha. " Oh Professor Snape. Why are you here? " "Because Potter I was helping Ms. Slytherin get her things ready for Hogwarts. "
" D-Did you s-say S-Slytherin? "
"Did I stu-stu- stutter? Yes Potter I said Slytherin. Now move. "
As the Potter boy and two other kids moved out of the way I waved and walked with the professor back to the Leaky Cauldron. He took me back to Hogwarts and walked me to my room in the dungeons.


Im sorry for short chapter again... Buttttt school has been rough and so stressful. And I have no school tomorrow sooooo I'll try to post again tomorrow. Sorryyyyyyyyy. And I also want to say thank you soo much for 1k reads it really means so much to me. 😖thank you. 😘


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