•~×Amour's P. O. V×~•
I was on my way to breakfast when Hermione stopped "hey wanna sit with us? " I looked a little shocked. "Is that allowed? And what about your red headed friend, he doesn't seem to like me. " We started to walk towards the Hall. "Don't worry about it, you'll be fine. " We headed to the Gryffindor table and sat down. Hermione sat next to the red head and I sat next to harry.
"Why is she here?! " Asked the ginger. "Oh shut up Ronald she's just eating with us. Get over it. " He stared at me. "Whatever." He then began putting food on his plate.
After breakfast we headed to transfiguration, and Hermione was my partner again. Okay don't over use any power. We were transforming faces again. "Remember my animal? " She asked looking at me. I awkwardly laughed, "how could I forget? Heh... "
We practices for the whole class and I was able to do it without messing up again. The bell rang and we went to charms. Me, Hermione, harry, and Ron all sat by each other except Ron was all the way on the right I was on the left next to Hermione. It went me, Hermione, harry, then Ron. We had to do partners again except this time I got Ron. "Professor, can I be hermione's partner please? " He didn't even acknowledge me. Okay then, thanks for nothing.
I got in position and we practiced the spell. I forgot the name. We practiced for a good 30 minutes until he gave me a wicked grin and shot a different spell at me but I blocked it and it went back at him. What I didn't see was Harry and Hermione both saw what happened... All of it. "Amour are you okay? " He looked up at us. "Her? What about me? " I got disgusted as he started puking slugs. "Ron you are ridiculous, we saw everything. You tried sending that nasty slug spell at her. She blocked it. That's self-defense. " The professor came over and Hermione told him what happened. "Well I'll see to it. " He went closer to Ron and said the counter-curse and said " Ron detention with professor Snape at 8 tonight. " Ron looked furious and stomped out. "Well back to it. " Said the professor. I don't have a partner. As if he read my mind. " Ms. Slytherin you can partner up with Harry and Hermione for the rest of the class. After another 30 minutes the bell rang.
I had a free period now so I had to go to professor Snape's class, on my way down I stopped and looked outside to see a glimpse of a black dog. Whatever. I walked into the classroom, but he wasn't there I hear a grunt in the next room. I walk in and see Batman leaning down, head in hand still slightly groaning. "Sir are you alright? " He slightly jumped and looked at me. "What are you doing here? " He looked super sweaty, probably all those damn robes. I slowly walked up but stop when he said "stop, go to potions closet and get me a headache potion, it says it on the bottle. Damn sweaty and a bad headache. Poor Batman. I nodded and left the room to the classroom and entered the closet.
It took a minute but I found it, I headed back into the room and walked up to his desk. " Here you go sir. " He nodded his headed and groaned " No practice today. There will be practice tomorrow though. " I backed up a bit so that I wasn't so close. "Yes sir. "I left the room and headed outside. I stopped by this tree with beautifully colored leaves and long branches with a thick trunk. I went to the base of the tree and sat down. Not knowing there was a hole on the other side of the base that lead somewhere new. I looked at my watch, it's almost time for care of magical creatures. I got up and walked to professor Hagrid's hut. I found Hermione and Harry, so I went to them. I was waiting for professor Hagrid's to come back when the baby peacock decided to prank everyone saying there was a dementor, but I didn't flinch I walked up to him. "Headmaster Dumbledore wouldn't let a dementor onto school premises. " I looked at him and walked away to where Hermione was. At that time Professor Hagrid came back with a gorgeous eagle mix breed. "Say hello to buckbeak, he's a hippogriff. Very loyal creatures, but very easily offended. Now who wants to go first. " While everyone stepped back. I stepped forward and Harry was kinda frozen. "Ahh Ms. Slytherin, well done. Now come here, and we will get you started. First bow low to the ground and wait til he bows back. I bowed and waited but he didn't bow where he was, he walked in front of me and bowed very low. " He's never done that before. Now try and pet him. " I learned my hand in and he pushed his beak into my palm I chuckled and put my other hand on the side of his face and lightly rubbed.
I was so focused on the beautiful beast in front of me, I didn't see the professor come up behind me. "I think he'll let you fly on him now. " I back up a little. "What? " But as I'm saying that he picked me up and set me on buckbeak "now don't pull his feathers. " He smacked the hippogriff's rear end and he went running then spread his wings, and lifted off the floor and into the sky.
After the hippogriff ride the bell had rang and it was lunch time, I walked to the Great Hall with Hermione and Harry. I sat next to Hermione. And then I thought about it. She needs a nickname.
"Hey Hermione, um is there anyway I can give you a nickname? " She looked at me and smiled. "Of course... But it depends on what it is. " She smirked at me. Hmm hermie... No.. Mione.. Maybe. I'll ask. "How about mione? " She looked a bit spectacle. "I love it! " Wait really? "Really? " She smiled and nodded.
It was time for potions and I was excited, it's my favorite subject so far. Me and Mione sat together; as we do in all classes. While we were waiting for the Batman, I started to draw. As I was finishing up the shading on the owls face, the door slammed open and he proves my point as to why I call him Batman as his cape was flowing behind him. He looked at all of us and flicked his wand making the chalk write instructions. I was looking at the board and felt someone staring at me. I look at the Slytherins and see nothing but when I looked at the Gryffindors I saw the ginger menace staring at me with hatred. Probably cause I "stole" HIS friends. whatever. As we almost finished making the potion, Ronald raised his hand asking to get up and apologize to me. Please say no!! But he let him clearly not seeing the menacing look in his eyes he came over and stood between Mione and I. He got close. "Watch your back. " He whispered in my ear. I simply raised my hand and told Snape, I was just threatened. I mean he did say if I go hurt he did too, right. Batman looked up and came over shoving Weasley back towards his table.
When the bell rang I thought of something again. Are me and Hermione friends? I'mma ask.
"Hey Hermione, a-are we friends? I looked her in the eye and she looked back and smiled."Yes. "

The girl in the mask (Snape x reader)
FanficUNDER CONSTRUCTION! SNAPE WILL BE YOUNGER IN MY STORY! HE WILL BE 24. BECAUSE I CAN. For mature audiences only! • Bad language • Sexual assault/harassment • Violence She always was the fun one in her family, and she was the most gorgeous person al...