•~× Sade's P. O. V×~•
"Welcome back, heir of Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin."
I heard professor Snape say as I collapse to the floor. "What's happening, what's wrong." I said looking behind me to see wings sprouting out from my back. I screamed cause it hurt when they tore through my skin and my vision began to change, I could see more. "I believe you will not need your mask anymore those wings will distract anyone from your face." He smirk at me and pushed me out of his office after he burned my mask. He closed the door behind me.
Well that's just great... I'm stuck looking like a freak. *SNAP!*
He looked shocked as he looked at the dog. He dropped my collar and approached the dog, as he was doing so he was reaching into his sleeve. What's he doing? He started to pull his hand out and I saw.. HIS WAND. "Wait what are you doing, stop don't hurt him. He just wanted some food. " I ran between the two of them blocking the dog. Looking so worried. "GET OUT OF THE WAY, NOW! " He growled at me. "No, he didn't do anything, he just wanted some company and refreshments. Please stop! " I managed to get that out. "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" He grabbed my arm and flung me out of the way.
The man tried to grab me again but I put my hand up. He flew backwards smacking his back on the ground. "YOU WILL NOT HURT HIM!" I was about to run to the dog but saw it backup.
I charge the man and start beating on his chest. "Why....why did you do that?" He pushed me to the ground and dusted off his cloak. "Great now I have dirt on me." He storms my way after he finished wiping of the "dirt" he grabs my collar again. Is this just his thing? "Let me go!" He stumbled backwards as I fell to the ground and let out a blood curling scream.
He ripped my necklace off and threw it aside. I quickly fell to my knees and screamed as my wings went away and clothes and mask went back. I cried as I didn't know what had happened, I looked up and saw he was hurt. He glared at me and fixed the hole in his arm.
The dog went behind a tree and came out the other side except this time it was a man, he walked over to me. I was completely startled. I started to walk backwards, until I hit a tree.
"I was friends with your father. "
"Sirius, Sirius Black. "Why can't I just be normal? "Because you're a freak. "
"Come here....now Ms. Daniels. " He snarled. "No I hurt you, I don't want to hurt anybody else! Please leave me alone. PLEASE! " I began to run again but was caught almost immediately. He grabbed me and held me towards his chest.
You're not a freak, you have a power even Dumbuldore doesn't even know of and your powers they make you even more powerful then Voldemort.
"What? "
What just happened? That prick, he erased my memories!
I stormed back to his office and completely split the door in two and slammed him into the wall again. Those eyes... There so familiar it has to be him, it has to!
"Did you, I know your reading my mind I can feel it. So DID YOU! " I screamed in his face, breaking a vase. I don't know when but I saw I was floating. This man killed my brother.
"Yes. Please let me explain. "

The girl in the mask (Snape x reader)
FanfictieUNDER CONSTRUCTION! SNAPE WILL BE YOUNGER IN MY STORY! HE WILL BE 24. BECAUSE I CAN. For mature audiences only! • Bad language • Sexual assault/harassment • Violence She always was the fun one in her family, and she was the most gorgeous person al...