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"Well well, look who's back from Neverland with Peterpan," Andy grinned at me and Kellin.

Kellin being innocent, handed out his hand while smiling,"It's been a while, Andy."

Too bad, Andy didn't even touch his hand. He stared at it blankly and to Kellin's face instead. He walked to me with playful devilish grin and it just gave me goosebump. This guy literally made me felt that there were butterflies in my body while my boyfriend was watching. "I miss you, Wendy," he looked down at me grinning. For some people they'd thought it was just some normal friends greeting thinggy but for me, there were just something in his voice that told me it wasn't. I tried acting normal and smile horribly fake. "Uh, I miss you too, Andy," I've got nothing to say so I walked passed him and to the livingroom.

Maria walked in first and the others were there sitting watching some random movie. As soon as they saw me they turned their head to us and their face brighten up. "Wendy! We miss you! Where have you been?!" Jake greeted me. "We literally just hung out at starbucks like 2 days ago" I laughed. He smiled and shrugged turning to Kellin and talked. I took a sit next to Amy on the couch who was on her phone. "So little Wendy's having a boyfriend now," she said smiling. "Kind of," I laughed nervously. "Wendy, you need to know that no matter what happen, do the right decision. I'm not talking about now but your future," she said. Her face looked serious as fuck that I thought she was being real but then she laughed and giggled, "I'm kidding, Wendy, jesus. I mean, Andy's obviously having a crush on you. So who knows one day you'll have to choose one of them," she smirked playfully. I blushed and nudged her arm lightly.

"There's no way Andy would like me," I whispered hoping Andy would not hear it.

"You guys are literally sitting across from me, I hear it okey," Andy smirked at me childishly

Amy rolled her eyes smiling and pulled my hand to get up and went to the balcony. She took out a ciggarette and put it between her lips and lighted it up with a matches. She looked at me and handed me giving me a face of asking if I want. I shaked my head pushing it lightly to her. "I never thought you smoke," I looked at her amazed. She laughed and exhale the cloud off her mouth,"I started when I was 14," As soon as I heard it my eyes went wide looking at her shocked,"Hey, that's not good," She closed her eyes and put her finger to her lips shushing me. "We were suppose to talk about you not me," she smiled. I nodded feeling bad. She must've been triggered or something.

"I don't know what make you think Andy won't like you because he obviously are," she said I stay silent motioning her to continue,"Just look at how he treated you, how he look at you, smile at you, how he gives you names. I notice it. He never done that to anybody since his last ex," she continued.

"So what do I suppose to do? I can't do anything. I'm in love with Kellin," I said terrified of the idea of leaving Kellin and be with Andy.

"Hey, that's not what I want you to do okey. That's why I said earlier, make a good decision. Kellin might be who you wanted to be with for the rest of your life. But you never know what will make you think other wise in the future," she said looking at the cigarette on her finger. I nodded and let her words sink in in my mind.



"Jesus, Wendy!" Kellin shake my shoulder. I stared right in his ocean eyes and felt emberrassed so I kissed him making him lost in it too.

"You're so lost in thoughts, baby," Kellin frowned pulling away the kiss.

"What's with that?" He asked.

I stay silent for a moment and looked at him right on his eyes again. "It's nothing," I smiled bitterly.

From the way his face were I knew he didn't believe me. I sighed heavily and looked away. "I was just thinking," I mumbled. "Thingking about what?" He asked again. I took another minute to think of an answer. I suddenly felt my eyes were watery and looked down,"Thinking about us," I mutter. I couldn't see how Kellin reacted all I knew was he knew I was sad. He cupped my face and made me looked at him. He seems a bit surprised looking at my watery eyes. "Wendy, if you're thinking about us why did you cry? Are you not happy being with me?" he asked sadly brushing the tears that fell down on my cheek with his thumb.

"W-what?! No! I-I'm just scared," I sobbed.

"I'm scared that one day y-you'll l-leave me," I stuttered and broke down in tears. I buried my face on his chest making his shirt wet. He didn't seem to care. He brushed my hair lightly calming me down and hugged me tightly. He then lift my chin up so that I could look at him,"Wendy, if you think like that again I swear I'll kiss that lips of yours and never let go. I'll never let you talk until you stop talking about how I'm gonna leave you one day. I'll wrap you like a burrito and never unwrap you until you promise me to not think like that again. Because, Wendy.. What makes you think like that? I'll never gonna leave you okey? Never," He whined the last part of his sentence. I looked at him in the eyes to search for something. Then I found it. He was serious. After what seem like forever he looked at me with his puppy eyes making me giggle and realised that he was waiting for my answer. "I promise, Kell" I held up my pinky and he did the same and we did a pinky promised.

I felt tired and fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

Kellin's p.o.v

I looked at Wendy who has fallen asleep on my chest. She was so beautiful even in her sleep. I kissed her forehead making her smiled. "Sweet dream, babygirl," I whispered.

I put her on the bed, pulled the thick blanket up to her chest and went to the kitchen to have a smoke. Suddenly, the thought of just now ran to my mind. Wendy's thought about being scared that I'd leave her.

Why would she think like that?

What's make her think like that?

Didn't I make enough effort for her?

Did she think that I'm not enough for her? or she's not enough for me?

Did she found someone better that she make excuses that I'd leave her?

That last thought snapped me out of it. I know Wendy. "She'd never think that way." I said to myself.

Someone tapped my shoulder causing me to jumped. It was Hayley.

"Jesus christ Wil," I said. She laughed a little and I handed out my cigarette box knowing well she'd want one.

"What's wake you up?" she asked after exhaling the cloud for like five minutes.

"I'm not even sleeping" I looked at the cigarette.


"It was Wendy,"

"Wendy? Why are you guys fighting? Are you planning to leave her? Don't you dare fag," She warned. I looked at her shocked,"What?! No way! She was the one that think I'd leave her!" I blurted out.

I stay silent and looked down on my cig waiting for Hayley to say something. I looked at her and realised she was looking at me the whole time.

"She's scared," She said.

"Yeah, that's what she said," I responded sadly.

"Kell, it's normal. Girls can be stupid sometime thinking like that. Why? They're scared. They're scared that if one day a boy they love found someone's better they'll leave. Wendy would never think that she's perfect enough for the you, Kell. No matter how many times you say it. She'll never feel that,"

"Because she think she's surrounded by perfect people"

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