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•Okey guys bare with me in this chapt I know nothing about graduation cuz I havent graduate yet and if I did too I dont think it'd look and sounds the same so HAHA•

Kellin's p.o.v

This was it. The day I'd graduate and leave this shithole. I never thought I'd reached this far but thank god for this.

I checked the time, 8am.

Three more hours. I was also going to meet Wendy after the graduation. I needed to let this all out. I needed to apologise and move on from her. It's time.

I needed to forget all the memories we made even tho we've been together for like not that long. But you'd never know how meaningful it was to me.

“Yo, dude. Its 9. Don't you want to get ready first? The guys gonna crash here and wait for us. One of the idiots might also get ready here so you better be ready before they come,” Jesse said standing in front of the door of the guest room. I looked up and nodded.


“Oh my ass, We're graduating!” Gabe cheered. I smiled and looked at Justin. He was also smiling. I guess he had forgotten about the fight last night. I stood up from the couch and sit next to him. He looked at me cluelessly before I embraced him with a hug.

“I'm sorry for being an ass yesterday dude. I was so lost.” he nodded and rubbed my back muttering something like 'It's okey'. The others noticed and Jesse shouted,“Group hug!” before crushing our body into a bone crushing hug. This was what I loved about the members. Even tho we fought a lot, we would never had that shitty silent treatment for long. Because we were us. We'd never go through one day without talking!

“Shoot, we gotta go now. It's about time,” I said looking at my watch. We all grabbed our coat and went out of the house going into the car. As we pulled out of the driveway Jesse sped up and all of us made silly and dumb things in the car to release the nervousness.


Wendy's p.o.v

I brushed my gown  like there was dust on it even tho there was none. I'd do that whenever I'm nervous.

Me and Mike was waiting downstairs sitting on the couch with our phones on our hand.

“Vic, you're going to graduate next year if you're not going down like now!” Mike shouted. I chuckled.

As soon as we saw Papa and Mama going down with their suitable dress for the graduation—as they were going to see us graduate too—Vic trailed along behind them.

I'd no doubt saying Vic looked hot as hell in coat. I basically was checking him out when he coughed teasingly at me making my eyes back up to his. “What're you looking at, dear?” He grinned. I rolled my eyes and checked the time at the clock,“We better get going, we're late. And it's because of you.” I rolled my eyes playfully getting up from the couch to the front door. I heard him groaned from behind before I flinched by his hand wrapping around my waist.

“At least you forgot that you're nervous a while ago by checking me out, am I right?” He whispered. I blushed slightly and punched him on the stomach by my elbow

We went into the car and straight to the school hoping everything would go well.


After the name-calling to the stage finished and we got each of us our own diploma, it was time for us to settled down and seat.

“Today marks the end of a hell of a year—you'd call—for all of you sitting here,” Principal Frankleen started the speech grinning as the people sitting applauded. You could say he was a cool principal by the way he started the speech. But he was also a strict one.

“Graduation. Yes. This will also marks the last day of us seeing each other and the last year for you to suffer doing all that boring homeworks—the teachers gave, the assignment the essay and bunch of it—at midnight. Now, I know you all says we're a burden for giving you homeworks. After all it also bring you here,” he rolled his eyes playfully with the 'duhh' tone in his speech. Some of the kids booed him and some chuckled and laughed. It just didn't matter anymore. “I have borrowed a quote from Steve Jobs that I want you all to remember and bring this with you for the future. It said: ‘As what Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.’ With that I end this speech here.” He went down the stage before shouting, “You're all free! Congratulations,

We took our cap and threw it up high in the air like it was the end of the day. It was cool for me I know it sounded cliche but you all know graduation day only happen once in life so you gotta make it memorable.

That was when I found out I was lost in the crowd. My body was so small so I could drown easily by bunch of people around me shouting and applauding shit.

I was also, at the same time, trying to find my dad even tho I hated him at the moment that I didn't even know the point of searching for him. Turned out he didn't make it. He called me and said that he had a work which I responded by hanging up. Because who'd let a daughter's hoping on their fucking graduation day? Obviously my dad. He just had to be grateful that I still loved him and didn't start to plot to kill him. 

Just when I looked so fucked up looking around someone grabbed my hand making me flinched. I looked at the person and it was Kellin. I followed him going out of the crowd.

“Hey,” he smiled shyly. Oh god why now that I realised I missed those smile? “Hai,” I smiled back. We awkwardly stood there in silence. I looked everywhere for Vic hoping he would just come and break this. “Where are we going to hang out?” Kellin asked me. “I don't know. How about you choose?” I looked at him tilting my head. He chuckled and blushed. I don't know what the hell was wrong with him blushing like crazy right now and it was awkward.

“Let's go to McDonalds!” He sequel. I nodded eagerly. Just about time, Vic came out of nowhere looking at me and embraced me in hug before kissing me at places on my face. He didn't realised that there was Kellin standing in front of us. His eyes showed enough that he was heartbroken seeing Vic and I so cuddly. I felt bad and coughed. Vic let go and looked at Kellin smiling.

“Oh, Hola there Kellin. Sorry didn't see you there.” Vic said embarrassed, rubbing the beck of his neck. Kellin replied his Hola and nodded saying it was okey. We talked for a bit waiting for Mike and the Fuentes to approach us so that they could take the car key that was on Vic.

We met Maria and her group too before they went home. That's mean, yes. I met Andy and it was awkward but he played it off so well. Maria hugged me and so does the other after giving each other's our 'congratulations' and 'Goodluck for the future' like we're not going to meet them after.

“I hope you for the best in your life, Wendy,” Andy said before he left. That was the weirdest shit he ever said because he was not that type of guy who talk like that. He usually played as aggressive guy and stuff. I shake it off before I imagine him too far.

Not long after that, the crowd reduced and cars began to pulled out of the driveway and so did Vic's which was drived by Papa. Mike decided to stay and follow us to McDonalds ever since we mentioned.

Kellin's friend or should I say the band members also did followed along with Vic's too. The only difference between Vic and Kellin's group was that Vic hadn't start a band yet.


“So, who's treat is this?” Mike asked as  the Uber pulled up infront of McDonalds.

“Shut up Mike. We gonna pay for ourselves,” Vic said. Mike groaned and rolled his eyes getting out of the car.

When we took our sit Kellin and the others had arrived too. I waved them to come here and they did.

After a meal we all seemed to lost in our own conversation when Kellin started to start one with me. Like how he planned.

“Wendy, I wanna tell you that..” he trailed off. He looked like he was trying to search for words to make up his sentence but couldn't seem to.

Kellin, you're making me worry.

Okey i only put 'congratulations' by stmzwr cuz she's legit the coolest principal•

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