Chapter 2: 59 Marley

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Paradis University was the main attraction in Paradis County. Locals were almost exclusively employed by the massive University and its downtown was populated by hundreds of students living off campus. All active fraternities and sororities had Houses on Greek Row but almost all of them also had 'Shadow Houses' which were just as officially, unofficially designated for parties (not allowed on campus), drinking (definitely not allowed on campus), and pledging (so heavily regulated on campus it may as well not exist). 59 Marley was the ARO Shadow House, housing roughly a third of the Fraternity's 52 members including half of its executive board (including Levi and Erwin). Built in the Victorian style, the house was massive, and uniquely suited to being a communal living space, having once been a bed and breakfast.

At 9:50pm on Friday night Eren and Armin strode up from the direction of downtown. Eren had insisted they leave campus 45 minutes early since they had to rely on Friday schedule buses. It was a good thing they had. Paradis County wasn't known for its public transportation. As the boys approached the house they noticed others had formed a group on and around the stairs that led up to a wide veranda that wrapped around three sides of the house. They had gathered in loose groupings of 3 or 4 and chatted quietly. Eren approached a group of guys he recognized from the first rush meeting; one had reddish brown hair and freckles, one had a brown and blonde two toned undercut and one was slightly shorter with a shaved head. They had approached from the opposite direction.

"Hey, I'm Eren and this is Armin."

The shaved head stuck his hand out. Armin stepped forward and grabbed the proffered appendage, shaking hands enthusiastically.

"I'm Conny and these guys are Jean and Marco. We all just met on the way over. I think I remember you guys from the first recruitment seminar..."

A creak from the front door hushed the conversations as 24 pairs of eyes looked toward the sound. Armin glanced at his watch. Exactly 10pm.

The door opened, light momentarily blinding those 24 pairs of eyes before swinging shut with a thud. A single person stood at ease in front of the door. It was Moblit.

"Follow me."

The group parted as Moblit walked forward and down the front steps of the veranda. He walked to the bushes off the side of the front of the house and leaned down into the darkness. A creek and slam belied the existence of a cellar door. A faint glow issued from the passage. Eren and Armin glanced at each other, the looks of excitement and fear in their eyes echoed in those of their comrades around them.

Moblit's voice was upbeat in the gloom.
"Down you go!"

When nobody moved Eren pushed through the group and fearlessly moved forward. He stepped over the lip and walked cautiously down the stone steps into the poorly lit cellar passageway below.

A short hallway led to a larger room that was completely shrouded in darkness. Eren stopped walking and listened to the shuffling feet of his pledge class behind him. After several minutes a loud bang made Eren and several other pledges jump as the cellar door slammed shut behind the last recruit.

Light flared above them and Eren found himself standing face to face with PledgeMaster Levi. Eren could do nothing but stare directly into Levi's penetrating gaze. He felt his skin grow hot and tried to calm the rapid thumping of his was just nerves...right? Inscrutable grey eyes studied Eren from beneath hooded eyelids.

Up close, Levi's appearance was startlingly perfect. His skin was pale and creamy, completely without blemish. His nose was small and elegantly upturned. Eren found himself focusing on Levi's lips which were thin and well formed and the palest shade of pink. The contrast between his sharply cut jet black hair and his light grey eyes was breathtaking. His face was so symmetrical he looked like a painted porcelain doll. Eren forced his eyes down away from Levi's face. Regardless of Levi being a couple inches shorter than Eren's own 6 ft height, his body was clearly honed and muscular, with broad shoulders tapering to a lean waist.

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