Chapter 4: A Mixer with Phi Nu

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Levi stood propped against the wall on the main floor of his house. Base resonated from the subwoofers and shook the dancefloor as drunk brothers wrapped themselves around members of Phi Nu, their sister sorority. He hated parties. His skin crawled at the filth that his pledges would have to scrub out of the house tonight.

He pushed away from the wall and continued his reconnosaince. So far he had been able to keep tabs on most of the Beta Kai's. Pledges were strictly prohibited from consuming alcohol this early in the process, so mixers were a prime opportunity to separate the wheat from the chaff. Nothing, nothing, nothing. Maybe he had actually succeeded in scaring the shit out of this round of brats. 2 weeks in and he still had 21 pledges.

Unwillingly, Levi's mind strayed to one brat in particular. Pledge Yeager. Eren. Levi had to take a steadying breathe to even think his name. That boy was kryptonite to his calm, stoic demeanor. He had done his best to keep his distance from Peter's squad, trying in vain to get the kid out of his head. The distance he put between them only made him think about him more. He would lay awake at night fantasizing about turquoise eyes, cherry lips, chocolate brown hair, and that tantalizing blush. The kid blushed any time they made eye contact. Fucking maddening. Levi hadn't had a good fuck in months and he was being pushed to his absolute limit. If he didnt get this pledge out of his system he would die of sexual frustration.

When he arrived for dining service yesterday morning he had been chafing to set eyes on the boy, talk to him and tease him. Things had started out well but something had gone wrong. The brat had retreated a respectful distance and practically blended into the wallpaper. Levi liked the idea that the brat was floating around somewhere upstairs close to his bedroom. Maybe even serving in his common area. The thought of some Phi Nu flirting with his beautiful brat had Levi turn for the stairs, nodding absently at Olly and his pledge squad, who were assigned to security, as they let him through the thin metal chain that served as the VIP barricade. He tried not to focus too hard on how ridiculously possessive he was being.

Levi searched around the 2nd floor commons to no avail. Scowling, he retreated to the common area he shared with Erwin and Hannes. Erwin, Hannes, Moblit and Peter sat on the long sectional along with Annie, Krista, Zoe, and a couple of Phi Nu pledges. Jean, Marco, and Eren stood stoically around the edges of the room but they were no match for the newly minted Phi Nu's. Levi gritted his teeth as one of them brushed the full length of her body against Eren when she popped over to grab a drink from his tray. Eren flashed a brittle smile at the girl that didn't make it to his eyes and continued staring impassively at nothing, his body rigid. Levi had never seen him look so uncomfortable. Was the brat sick? The girl tried again, this time sliding a slender arm around Eren's neck and whispering something into his ear. Eren's gaze flashed up to Levi standing in the door way and heat flooded his cheeks. That fucking blush! Levi's temper snapped and he wrenched his gaze away from Eren. Stalking into the room, he grabbed a drink from Marco's tray and downed it in one gulp, feeling the alcohol burn it's way down his throat rather than tasting it.

"Now that's the way to enter a room!" Erwin shouted, to the hilarity of the assembled nitwits.

"Levi, darling! Come sit with us!" Zoe hopped up from where she had been sitting next to Moblit and pushed Levi down into her seat, draping herself across him. He tried unsuccessfully to dislodge himself without being rude and cast an apologetic glance at Moblit. Poor Moblit had been suffering from an unrequited crush on Zoe for almost a year. Regardless of his attempts, she seemed to remain completely oblivious to him. Levi sighed in defeat and quirked a grin at the girl in his lap.

He and Zoe had been neighbors and best friends since high school. Spunky and endearing, she had infiltrated his loner's existence and become the annoying little sister he didnt know he needed, since he had three older sisters at home already. They had dated for about 5 minutes and had a horribly embarrassing attempt at sex together, before he had to admit to her (and himself) that he just wasn't interested in her...or any girl. After his confession, rather than turning on him she had embraced him and supported him. He could still remember every detail of their conversation. Zoe had sat staring off into the distance and then shook her head, her pony tail bobbing. When she looked at him again she had her Cheshire cat smile on her face, flung her arms around him and proudly declared herself his "hag for life." He had felt completely embarrassed and...completely accepted for the first time in his life. It was due in large part to her support that he had the courage to come out to his family. It was due to her family's support that he had had a place to go when his family kicked him out. Things were...somewhat...better with his parents now. He spoke to his mother and his older sisters regularly and nodded to his father twice a year on Thanksgiving and Christmas. He hadn't been "home" for more than 48 hours in the last 3 years.

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