Chapter 25: His Promise

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Eren walked up the stairs and rounded the corner into the Presidential suite at 59 Marley, clicking idly through his Google image search, screenshotting every now and then when he found something particularly interesting. Dinner with his friends had gone longer than expected. He hadn't realized how tense everyone had been since the shooting and how his bizarre mood had effected everyone. He and Levi finally working things out (and his resulting change of attitude) had let everyone release a breathe they didn't realize they had been holding. It gave Eren hope that together they could move on from the trauma of the shooting. It was nice to feel like a kid again, worried about finals and excited about the holidays.

Eren walked down the hallway, suprised to see the door to Levi's bedroom ajar and him not inside. When he emerged into the common room, he could see why. Levi was dangling from the chin up bar that was tension mounted to the entrance of the small hallway that lead to Hannes' bedroom, wearing his black athletic shorts and nothing else. Eren watched as Levi, with fluid grace, did 5 slow reps, each completely controlled. The muscles of his back and shoulders rolled under his skin, making Eren's stomach tighten with longing. It had been almost 3 whole weeks since he and Levi had had actual sex, after months of fucking like rabbits at every possible opportunity. Eren felt his erection filling and stood transfixed, paralyzed by a wave of desire.

Levi finished his last rep and slid gingerly to the floor, his left leg absorbing the landing. Eren had been so distracted by Levi's upper body, it hadn't occurred to him that the exercise might be difficult on his wounds. When he turned Eren could see the long bandages across his chest.

"Enjoying the show, brat?"

Eren's face reddened and he couldn't pull his eyes away from those bandages.

"Won't they reopen if you move too much?"

Levi quirked a half smile and leaned against the wall, taking a swig from a water bottle he had placed on the floor.

"Nah, it's pretty much healed by now. Besides, it's good practice keeping my body isolated. There are a lot of exercises I can't do until my leg heals completely and I can feel myself getting soft. I just have to go twice as hard on what I can do."

Eren raised a skeptical eyebrow at the very thought of any part of Levi being soft. Still he wasn't going to argue with an exercise regimen that made his boyfriend's chest and arms swell like that. Eren nodded.

"Sorry if you've been waiting long..."

Levi finished his water and padded across the room to drop the bottle in the recycling bin.

"It's fine. I needed to work out. It's how I've been coping with my...frustration."

Eren smirked.

"No wonder you're so buff. I'd wondered about that..."

Eren danced out of the way as Levi's arm swung out to smack him.

"Watch it, brat."

Eren batted his eyelashes at his boyfriend and extended his hand to stroke Levi's arm, from his wrist to his shoulder, enjoying the feel of the older man's smooth skin beneath his fingers.

"So you've been working out less since October?"

Levi stepped close, crowding Eren against the wall and slipped one of his hands under the hem of Eren's t-shirt. His hand ghosted up Eren's toned stomach to find one of his taught nipples and gave it a little squeeze. He ducked his head into the curve of Eren's throat and grazed his lips over the sensitive skin there, speaking in a breathy whisper,

"Much less, honey. Much, much less."

Eren groaned and tipped his head back, giving Levi wider access to where he liked being kissed. His hips wiggled involuntarily, rubbing against Levi's shorts. Levi's skin was hot against his palms and his mind was spiraling out into a haze of lust.

His Promise [Riren/Ereri Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now