Chapter 7: Stone AROheads

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A/N: I have never seen or heard of any Fraternity or Sorority killing animals during the pledge process. This is just badass fiction.



The pledges trudged through the woods, crisp October air whispering through the trees and sending leaves dancing through the cold night. Peter's squad walked together loosely, Eren taking the lead as usual, alert for their destination. The only instructions they had been given were a starting point and direction. They would know it when they got there. Conny wandered up next to Armin.

"Hey genius, any Intel on what they have in store tonight?"

Armin pushed his glasses up his face and brushed his hair to the side.

"Your guess is as good as mine Con. But I think we're about to find out."

Eren had spied the light through the trees first.

"Hey guys, I think we found it!"

In twos and threes the pledges stepped from the tree line into a clearing. A wooden shack stood in the center of the clearing, with what looked like 4 medieval targets lined up in a row to one side. Spotlights had been wrapped around the trees at regular intervals, bathing the clearing in a harsh orange glow.

The door to the cabin creaked and out stepped Master Levi followed by the 4 RA's. Each had leather braces strapped to their arms from the wrist to the elbow, covering the forearm, and carried a wooden bow and arrow.

At the sight of the Master, the pledges immediately snapped to attention in their line-up and shouted their greeting in unison.

"Good evening Master Levi, Beta Sigma! You are looking well tonight, sir! The weather is cold and clear with no chance of rain. Our will is to serve. How high do you need us to jump, sir?"

Levi nodded his approval and ambled toward the target area stopping about 20 yards away and glancing behind him at the unmoving pledges.

Eld stepped forward and shouted loudly enough to make the pledges flinch.

"Follow your Master, pigs!"

The pledges immediately moved to regroup behind Levi, who had turned to face them once again.

"An ARO brother is not Elite in reputation alone. He has training, skills, and discipline that other men do not. One of the skills you will acquire in this process is mastery over basic archery. If you fail to acquire this skill, you will not cross into this organization so pay attention. Brothers!"

There was a smattering of "no ways!" And "what the hells" from the gathered crowd of pledges. At Levi's sharp command, Eld, Olly, Peter, and Gunn stepped forward each facing one of the targets.

Each one set an arrow in his bow.

Four arms brought four arrows back in a smoothe steady motion.

Four arrows whizzed through the air with deadly accuracy, each slamming home at different points within the center ring of a target.

A murmer of approval trickled through the pledges. It ceased when Levi turned to look at them. The RA's trotted down the field to retrieve their arrows.

"Due to safety regulations, you will be training with stone tipped arrows rather than steel ones, that can slice your hand in half if mishandled. Do not let that make you complacent. They are still very dangerous. If you fuck around during this training you could maim or kill yourself or a comrade. So don't fuck around."

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