Chapter 13: The Beginning of the End

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Author's Note: Updates are back! Did you miss me? How do you guys like the story so far? I love watching our boys grow together. Le sigh! I don't really like the title for this chapter, but I'll stick with it for now. This chapter was super fun for me to write because I love how the characters interact with each other. Also, you know, SMUT! Enjoy!



Peter walked into the 'Presidential Suite' at 59 Marley uncharacteristically on edge. He still marveled at his access to Levi and by default, Erwin. Both men had seemed so...untouchable to him when he first joined ARO. Becoming a Recruitment Assistant had allowed him to become closer with Levi. He didn't fool himself into thinking they were...friends...exactly, but he and the other RA's shared an easy commoradery with their leader that he had never dreamed possible. For the last few weeks Levi had seemed more...accessible somehow. Levi had always spent time with all his pledge classes- he was genuinely committed to the recruitment process- but with the Beta Kai's he seemed to be having fun.

Just this past week Levi had competed with some pledges in a push-up contest during gym hours. After he had smoked them all, he completed another set of one-arm push ups to "cool down". On the way to the locker room he had stripped off his shirt. The muscles in his chest and arms were swollen and his body gleamed with sweat from his exertion. Levi was a beast. He also smiled more, maybe twice or three times a week now. Peter found Levi's typical aloof expression cool and...alluring? But on the rare occasions he caught him genuinely smiling it just seemed to light up the room. Peter took a breath. He had always looked up to Levi and wanted to emulate him...lately though he had started to feel strange in his presence. After the push up contest he had actually gotten hard.

Erwin sat on the couch with Moblit noisily playing GTA V. Which he was clearly losing.

Moblit interrupted Erwin's cursing and offered up a grin and a greeting.

"Hey Pete, what brings you up?"

Peter held up the sheaf of papers he was toting. Moblit was Rush Chair and Levi's little brother in the Fraternity so he was well acquainted with the process.

"These are the final assessments. 15 pledges have been cleared for Hell Week. Levi said to bring him everything when it was ready. Is he here?"

Erwin hung his head in defeat and threw his controller down to the carpet.

"Goddammit. Your fearless leader is, indeed, here. It's Wednesday, which means he is currently loudly fucking his booty-call."

The last was said in a yell that was directed down the hallway towards Levi's room. Once the game volume had been turned down, Peter could hear the muffled sounds of sex coming from the corridor- from under the door he just walked right past. Someone was getting fucked, hard. Peter flushed to the tips of his ears.

"Have a seat, they've been at it for a while so he will probably take a break soon."

Erwin picked up the remote and switched to Sportscenter. Peter coughed awkwardly and perched on the arm of the couch. Moblit, tactful as ever, chuckled but pretended not to notice.

"I...uh...didn't know Levi was dating someone..."

Erwin answered again.

"I wouldn't call it dating. More like keeping me up all night on a regular basis as retribution for every time in the last two years I told him to get laid."

As if on cue Levi's door opened and he emerged, his usually immaculate hair sweaty and sex-mussed, wearing nothing but a pair of black athletic shorts.

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