Chapter 13.5: Dating Straight Guys

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Author's Note: This scene really doesn't have enough meat in it for a whole chapter but I couldn't keep it from rattling around in my mind. I love the laughs I get at poor Peter's expense ( also since I am trying to be true to the Fandom, Peter is my Petra and Petra did confess to Levi unsuccessfully.) I also love picturing Levi as an unrealistically suave predatory gay who gets annoyed when he has to fend off advances from clueless, confused straight guys who want him to bottom. 😆😉😆. Go back to women, Cupcake, he's taken!



Peter nervously played with the hem of his sweater as he sat on the window in Levi's common room. He had gone over it a thousand times, but he knew that his mind would go blank the moment he opened his mouth. Still, he had to give it a go. He knew Levi's schedule like his own. He would be back any minute now...


Levi was in a terrible fucking mood. First, he had to explain to a group of Beta Pi and Beta Rho assholes why he had to reprimand one of the upperclassmen in front of a group of pledges earlier in the week. Second, he had to relive having Eren's harpy of a sister scream in his face and very nearly out the fact that Eren never slept at home in front of Hannes, Moblit and the rest of his pledge class. His fucking history essay was going to be late and all he wanted to do was have a quiet lunch and listen to some Metallica through his noise canceling headphones. Keeping his relationship...or whatever this was...with Eren a secret was starting to cause him more stress than he would like to admit. Eren was a tough kid, but as a partner he was needy and emotional. When combined with his eager willingness in bed and his submissive sexiness, Levi couldn't resist the urge to dominate and spoil him. He was tired of maintaining the charade that Eren was just like everyone else. He would have to speak to Eren soon about their future, which hit upon another source of his terrible fucking mood- the fact that he and Eren were basically on a sex break until after pledging was over.

He wondered maliciously what face the harpy would make when she finally found out how often he nailed her brother to his mattress.

Levi's mood, having improved slightly upon imagining the horrified fury on Mikasa's face took
an immediate dip when he entered his suite and saw it wasn't empty. At least he could deal with Peter quickly.

Peter jumped from the windowsill and crossed the room. The tendency to stay silent until Levi had spoken to him first was so ingrained in him, he didn't realize he hadn't spoken until Levi raised a quizzical eyebrow at him.

"Ahh, right. Um, how was your morning...Levi?"

Levi shrugged dismissively and proceeded to putter about the small kitchenette preparing himself oatmeal and avocado toast.

"Same as every other fucking morning, Cupcake. Boring and shit filled."

"Ah haha. Right. Okay."

Peter pressed his lips together. Fuck, why was he being so awkward?

"Did you need something?"

"No. Yes. Ahh, fuck! I just wanted to talk to you about something a bit...personal."

Levi turned from his assembled lunch and gave Peter his attention. Please don't let this be what I think it's going to be...

"So, uh, the other day when I was here, Erwin said that you were hooking up with someone...and I thought you just didn't date, but if you are interested, maybe I, I mean, we,"

Levi took a breath and pinched the bridge of his nose, welcoming back his terrible fucking mood. In other circumstances he might even have enjoyed watching Peter squirm a bit but he had no patience for this today.

"Are you fucking with me, Cupcake? Because I am in no mood today. If Eyebrows put you up to this, kindly tell him I will kick the shit out of him later."

Peter frowned and regained some of his composure.

"No, nobody put me up to anything. you, okay? I know I probably seem like a wimpy kid to you, but you don't have to be so dismissive."

The gaze Levi leveled on Peter was assessing this time. Looks wise he had a certain appeal, but Levi was honestly too wrapped up in Eren to be objective at the moment.

"Alright alright. Look, the guy I'm hooking up not just a fling. But even if he were, I don't date curious straight guys."


Levi shook his head and lifted his hand in a quieting gesture.

"I'm flattered by your offer, Pete. You're not the first straight guy who has developed feelings for me. The problem with straight guys though, is...they never know how to take what I'm giving them. How loose is your ass, Cupcake?"

As he spoke, Levi pushed away from the counter and advanced on Peter. He stopped just close enough to crowd him without physically pressing against him. Levi ran his fingers along Peter's hip and slowly curved them around to rest on his lower back.

Peter swallowed hard and tried to assess his body's response. His heart was pounding and he felt sweat form on his palms...but not in an "I'm so turned on" sort of way. He was not ready for this.

"Ahh. Haha...maybe you're right."

Levi eased back, satisfied he'd made his point.

"But never...uh...go the other way?"

Levi pursed his lips and cocked his head to the side.

"That is not something you will ever know."

Peter nodded and started to turn away.

Levi grabbed his arm.

"Pete, even if I was interested, I probably still would have said no. I know how much you look up to me. It's easy to mistake those feelings. I wouldn't want to lose you as a friend over that."

Peter blushed and looked away.

"Right, I get it. Thanks Levi. Um also..."

Levi backed off and grabbed his avocado toast from the counter.

"Don't worry, Cupcake, your secret's safe with me. Now get the fuck out of here so I can eat in peace."

Peter grinned and beat a hasty retreat. Levi shook his head and popped his now cold oatmeal back into the microwave. What a fucking day this was turning out to be.

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