Chapter 5: The Pestilence of Friendship

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A/N: This chapter and others contain language that could be considered offensive. It was written this way because microaggressions and fetishization are a part of life for anyone who doesn't walk in line. My lovely cinnamon rolls walk tall, they will be okay.

Thanks for sticking with me...things are getting steamy...



"Titans! Titans! TITANS!" The crowd surged to their feet as the Paradis University Titans brought home another victory for their undefeated basketball team. Levi rolled his eyes at the excitement. The games weren't even exciting anymore, they were straight up massacres. He wouldn't even have to go to these stupid games if ARO didnt have members on the team. He needed to be a good example for his pledges, after all. Erwin crowded him as they made their way out of the stands.

"Come on, Midget. How long are you gonna hold out on me?"

Levi's pledge name didn't bother him much; at 5'9" he had been the shortest pledge that semester and the name just stuck. At this point in time Erwin was one of the only brothers who dared tease him about his height and although he didn't care one way or another he usually made a show of his annoyance. He shrugged Erwin's arm off and kept walking.

"What the hell are you talking about, Eyebrows?"

Erwin gave him a pained stare,

"Its been 4 days since the Phi Nu mixer and the identity of your hook-up remains a mystery."

"I deny any existence of a hook-up-"

"Bullshit! That room smelled like sex in the morning and you haven't been in such a good mood in 2 years."

Zoe walked up between the two guys from behind, draping her arms around their necks.

"Hey boys!"

Levi slipped out from under her arm and picked up his pace, a slight blush tinging his cheeks. Erwin, fucking giant that he was, kept up easily, looking back and forth incredulously between the two.

"No, no way! Don't tell me you finally put this freak out of her misery?"

Zoe sniffed,

"Please, I can't even straighten my hair, let alone this guy! Besides, I have to admit (just this once) that he might be prettier than me..." Zoe clapped her hand over her mouth at what she let slip.

Erwin was scandalized,

"What? You told HER? Why does she get to know?"

"Well, I'm sure he would have rather I didnt know, but I did walk in on them..."

This time it was Levi's turn to look scandalized. He rounded on Zoe and pinned her with a glare that could have broken glass.

"Shut-it Hanji."

Zoe turned white and clapped her hand over her mouth again.

"Shutting it! Sorry Levi."

"No! Definitely do NOT shut it Hanji!! Details....."

Erwin plied Zoe with questions to no avail.

Levi turned and continued walking, doing his best to put some distance between himself and the pestilence that was his friends. His mind went back to the morning after the encounter. When he had first awakened in a hungover haze he had managed to convince himself it was all a drunken fantasy. Flashbulb memories of Eren between his legs, those wide cerulean eyes looking up at him, and the soft, hot, sweetness of that pretty mouth swirled on a continuous repeat just out of reach of his conscious memories.

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