chapter twenty - the end ♡

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This is the last chapter of Incomparable! Enjoy


"Are you sure you won't get in trouble for being out in public, especially with a girl?" Na Hyun asks Shownu as they both walked along the path by Han River, side by side.

Na Hyun held her hands together, tangling her fingers together politely. The moon was back to its first phase, in the shape of a crescent. The leaves on the trees only started to grow, slowly moving on from its 'bald' state. Families, couples, and groups of friends filled the park despite the cold weather. It was even colder in the night time, but with the help of food carts and hot beverage stands, everyone managed to be warm enough to stay outdoors.

Shownu noticed how she tried to avoid his gaze. But everyone knows all too well that he has been waiting for this very moment the day Na Hyun left to New York.

He swiftly takes her right hand in his, intertwining their fingers before casually placing it in his large coat pocket. Na Hyun who was caught off guard by the gesture quickly turned to Shownu, who stared straight ahead as they continued walking. She tried to remove them because she was afraid that someone could catch them, but his grip was too strong.

He had no plans on letting go.

She was afraid of ruining his image- though it was totally far from that. She didn't want media to twist the situation into anything negative for him.

"What are yo-"

"I spoke with the CEO of Starship a few weeks ago, and he told me- well all of us," he corrects himself, mentioning Monsta X, "that our contract was almost up. We renewed our contract to a longer one, but there's a new adjustment."

Na Hyun watches his calm composure the whole time he spoke. She listened carefully, processing his words.

"They removed the dating ban."

Na Hyun's eyes grew as big as saucers.

"So that's why..."

"That's why I get to hold your hand like this in public, just the way I want to." He shakes their entwined fingers up in the air.

"So it doesn't matter if dispatch or whatever paparazzi gets any of this because I," They both stand still in the middle of the pathway as Shownu takes one step closer, "Have waited for this for a long time. And I think, that my right time is now. And believe me, Starship will confirm this because I already let them know before hand."

Shownu takes both of her hands in his, stroking his thumbs against the back of her hands. He unconsciously played with the ring on her index finger, the one that matches his that fit perfectly on his ring finger.  Na Hyun didn't look away from him, not even once. She felt her heart beating faster than ever, and she's never felt this way before.

"And you're worth it. I don't care if the public decides to twist any of my words or the stories that could possibly come out of this because they don't know the truth, Hyun-ah. You do."

Na Hyun had no words. All she could do is admire the confidence he had all of a sudden. It was like he became a thousand times more attractive, and she was all for it.

Shownu uses his hands to quickly pull hers around his back, placing his hands on Na Hyun's flustered cheeks which brings them closer together. He lightly caressed her cheeks, feeling them burn up a little due to her flustered state. The love that flowed through his eyes for her was so indescribable that it was no match against any other display of affection that he ever did. Just that feeling alone was enough for Na Hyun to know.

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