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Back in 7th grade when I had a major crush on Quinn he would always come over to my house to hang out with Connor. I pretended I didn't care, but I REALLY cared. When the boys were playing video games in the living room I would always pop my head in to see if Connor needed any snacks. But I actually went in to see Quinn. Quinn isn't the normal "hot" guy around the school. He is kinda nerdy cool at the same time. He has brown floppy hair and dark brown eyes.

I'm not gonna lie I was OBSESSED with him in 7th grade. But now we just graduated from middle school and the obsession has faded. I used to think he thought of me as a sister because one time when he was hanging out with Connor, Connor complained about how annoying I am. And he responded with "Girls are just annoying." Which made me believe that he did not like me. But I guess he did like me.

Then I snap back into reality.

No we can't do this. I'm moving today. Out of all of the days, Quinn decides now is the time he likes me. Not to mention he is Connors best friend sooooo. Ugh, why does life have to be so hard?

I pull away. Quinn looks at me in the eyes. He looks sad.

"I'm sorry," I say kinda awkward

"No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that," Quinn responds. His cheeks bright pink from embarrassment.

"It's just that I'm moving Quinn and like we can't have a relationship when I'm halfway across the country."

"Yea I completely get it."

Another long awkward silence fills the air before quin says,

"Can we not tell Connor? Please?"

"Yea, sure," I respond.

"Thanks Callie." 

"Yea no problem Quinn. we should probably go downstairs and help"

"Yea sounds like a good idea."

I walk out of my room, Quinn behind me. We walk into the living room and everyone seems to be done.

"Looks like we're all finished!" my dad exclaims, sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Yea my dad and I did like all the work. Where were you this whole time Quinn?" Connor asks.

"Oh. I was helping Callie with the boxes in her room since Erica decided to not help," Quinn responds.

"Ok. Sureeee," Connor says in a sarcastic tone.

I look over at Quinn and his face is red from embarrassment.

"Oooooooo. Did something happen?" Erica asks.

"I left my phone upstairs. I gotta go get it guys," I say, trying to avoid this conversation.

"Oh my gosh! So something did happen between you guys?" Erica responds.

I run upstairs with Erica running behind me.

"What happened?" She asks when we reach my room

"Nothing," I respond.

"Uhuh. Like I believe you Callie. Tell me what happened Callie."

"Ugh fineeeee. We kissed, but you cannot tell anyone, especially my brother."

A smile starts to form on Erica's face.

"Awwwww. Callie and Connor sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G-"

"Shut up Erica. It's never gonna happen. Remember I'm moving?"

"Ugh, yea. Why now do you have to move? Right after Quinn kissed you. The boy who you have like since 7th grade."

"Ok we get it Erica, can we just pretend I never told you it happened?"

"No way Callie! This was your first kiss! Of course I'm not gonna pretend it never happened."


"Sooooo how was it?"

"It was fine."

"Just fine?"

"Not everyone's first kiss is all rainbows and happiness Erica."

"Yea ok I understand. Well, at least you can say you had your first kiss."

"Yea," I laugh

"Time to get going guys," my dad calls from downstairs

Erica and I walk back downstairs to see Connor and Quinn talking and smiling. When I walk in the room Connor starts smiling at me.

"What?" I ask him.

"Oh nothing," he responds grinning even harder now.

"Ok guys its time to say your goodbyes now," my dad announces.

I immediately turn to Erica and start hugging her.

"You better text me every day," Erica says as tears start to run down her face.

"I will. I promise."

"I'm gonna miss you sooo much."

"Yea me too. You won't have me to keep you sane in high school," I say laughing.

"True," she responds still laughing.

I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey," Quinn says as I pull him into a hug

"I'm gonna miss you," I respond while still hugging him

"I'm gonna miss you more."

"Goodbye Quinn."

"Goodbye Callie"

And then I head into the car.

"So you and Quinn?" Connor asks with a smirk on his face.

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