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"Never give up, and be confident in what you do. There may be tough times, but the difficulties which you face will make you more determined to achieve your objectives and to win against all the odds." —Marta


Corona Lily Potter was always a Slytherin at heart. Of course no one knew that because she was always a good actor and the fact that no one caught on to her hidden personality proved that. After all living with the Dursleys made her more cautious and less trusting. So over the years of living with them she taught herself everything she knew.

Because after all, knowledge is power, and to get far in the world you needed ambitions of getting what you want. However, living with the Dursleys made her think of clever and ambitious things that no eight year old should even be thinking about.

However, Corona Lily Potter wasn't like any other little girl. No, this girl was kind, smart, intelligent, clever, and ambitious.

So she lied, because to get out of that hell hole she needed to lie. Although she hated lying it was a necessary skill to survive in the Dursley household. She would tell her Aunt Petunia that she was tutoring a neighbor a few blocks away, before Aunt Petunia was about to say no, Corona smartly piped up that it would make her family look smart and generous. In the end Aunt Petunia reluctantly and greedily agreed, and Corona immediately piped up that she needed some money for food after all the parents would wonder why she didn't bring any lunch. Huffing Petunia grabbed her purse and handed her 20 pounds(about $25) and told her to make it last for 3 months. Considering that food was expensive, it wasn't a lot of money. But nevertheless the girl was happy to get anything at all from her greedy relatives. Dudley who was watching threw a pathetic hissy fit demanding to the same amount if not more to go to the movie theater with Peirs on the weekend. Of course, Aunt Petunia went to her overgrown pig in a wig, I mean child and gave him 40 pounds.

Corona didn't exactly fully lie about tutoring a child. In fact she tutored the daughter of a very wealthy family. They were very nice and paid her generously, not to mention their daughter viewed Corona as a role model flattering the said girl gratefully.

What she lied to Aunt Petunia was where the House was and how long the tutoring sessions were. Which were only four hours, but Corona told her Aunt six because after tutoring she would go to the library for two hours and study and have lunch. Afterwards she would go home and hide her money in a floorboard under her mattress and get treated as a slave when the Dursleys realized she was home.

This routine continued on until Corona's 11th birthday when Corona held a letter addressed to her that would forever change her life. When she stupidly showed the letter to her Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon, they freaked especially when the letter was addressed to her cupboard under the stairs.

After a whole crazy fiasco of getting rid of the letter which kept popping up, Uncle Vernon finally gave up and allowed her to go and gave her Dudley's second bedroom. Before she even knew it Corona was being swept in to a middle aged society full of magic and crazy things.

In first year she met two people who eventually became her best friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. The three of them would always get into some sort of trouble, honestly, Corona really wanted to slap Ron when he kept insulting Hermione. Resulting in her running to the bathroom bawling her eyes out and when they heard about the troll they freaked and ran to save her.

In second year, she was force to kill a ballisik because some possessed diary was controlling Ron's sister. This was the first time she met Death, nice man, a bit crazy but pleasant enough. Suddenly she was yanked out of death's realm, opening her eyes she saw a Phoenix singing a beautiful yet sad song as it cried into the bite mark.

In third year, she met Hagrid and helped him hide the Dragon he won before helping him give it to Charlie Weasley a Dragon tamer and an Older brother of Ron.

In fourth year, Corona was about to tear someone's head off. She tried to deny that she didn't put her name into the goblet of fire. Unfortunately, it fell to deaf ears as people showed their displeasure at me with Draco Malfoy leading. Not to mention, Ron became an ass until my first task.

When the third task came, Cedric Diggory and I grabbed the cup only to find out it was a portkey. Freaking when Voldemort mentioned about killing the spare. I quickly dragged the knocked out Cedric and jumped the unguarded cup successfully portkeying away, unfortunately I was hit with a cutting curse to the side cutting a major artery. When we finally popped back at Hogwarts the staff along with Cedric's father came over to help. They were to busy helping Cedric to notice me. Until I started coughing, coughing up blood that is.

Screaming their attention shifted from the unconscious Cedric to me as I started to sway. Snape who was the closest to me, caught me and pulled up my shirt showing the deep cut on my side gushing with blood. Cursing Snape called for help but it was too late, looking at the man who protected me at some times and hated me somewhat. I gave him a sad smile and thanked him before losing consciousness. That's when I met Death for the second time.

Snape looked at the rapidly paleing girl in his arms, snapping out his shock he yelled for help as Madam Pomphrey shook her head tending the girl. Checking her pulse, Madam Pomphrey was shocked to feel that her pulse had stopped. Gasping loudly she sent electrical shocks in hope to start the girl's heart again. While this was going on everyone watched in horror and shock. This girl that they basically bullied for a petty reason was dying in front of their own eyes. Girls were bawling their eyes out while guys watched mournfully and ashamed of themselves especially Draco.

After a moment of silence, a loud gasp caught everyone's attention. Corona was a bit confused when everyone started clapping and cheering.

It was in fifth year when she started to be interested in the Black family, especially when she overheard her professors talking about a man called Sirius Black who was her godfather. Curious she checked out a book on magical families and came across a book on the sacred 28 and a bit of history about each family.

The Black family caught her attention because it was simply fascinating that there was a lot of people in the Black family only find out that most of them where girls that were married off while the guys were mostly dead except one, named Sirius Black. She was surprised that he was listed as Lord Black since it said in the family history that those incarcerated for a crime they have committed can not be Lord Black no matter what. And since he is Lord Black this means he was wrongfully convicted!

That's when she met him, oh she was so thrilled to have a living relative! Sadly her happiness did not last when his crazy cousin Bellatrix killed him by making him fall in the Veil of Death.

In sixth year we figured out what was keeping Voldemort attached to the living. That disgusting bastard had horcuxes, Corona felt sick to her stomach when she heard how to make just one horcux she couldn't even imagine making seven.

After being pushed into making a defense club Corona created DA and taught people how to fight and defend themselves only for that Pink Frog to tell on us to the minister.

Finally seventh year came along and Corona was about to hit the bucket. After a long tedious scavenger for the horcuxes, they had almost all of them except one. Fortunately or unfortunately it was Voldemort's pet snake.

After a long battle, Voldemort was finally dead after I died for a third time meeting Death once more. Engulfed in grief I didn't see the single green spell hit me until I was once again greeted by Death.

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