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"We need to accept that we won't always make the right decisions. That we'll screw up royally sometimes." — Arianna Huffington

("Light" by Sleeping At Last. (please listen while reading) start @ 1:20)

-Warning: Labor scene-


"Someone quick! GET THE MIDWIFE!!!", Orion's voice roared out as Walburga's water broke.

Walburga's face blushed in embarrassment as everyone holding the Black name stared down at the puddle under her. Orion lifted her into his arms as she buried her face into his chest in embarrassment.

Out of all the times to have her water brake, it has to be during their annual family reunion. Oh Merlin, was she mortified. It started off as a good day too!

Feeling a contraction, Walburga clenched her stomach in agony. Biting her bottom lip until it bled, nobody warned her giving birth was painful.

She gave out little gasps of air and sucking in sharp gasps of air feeling another contraction. "Fucking bloody hell", she screeched ignoring Orion's snort as he laid her down on their bed throwing their sheets off and propping her back against a mountain of pillows.

"I know it hurts dear, you've done this many times before. I believe in you. You can do this. Calm down dear. Soon this will be over and we can finally meet our baby girl", he murmured against her sweaty forehead assuringly as the midwife and her crew set her up and sterilized everything to prepare for her labor.

"Orion..", she gasped as another contraction hit her.

"Yes dear", he replied as he winced in pain as Walburga crushed his poor hand.

"YOU ARE SO DEAD TO ME! DO THIS TO ME ONE MORE TIME AND I WILL GET MY WAND CASTRA-AAAAAAAHHHHHHHGGGG", she screamed pushing when the midwife told her to push.

Orion blessed whatever god, that she did not finish her last word.

Another hour or two, six pushes later a screaming baby girl was born to the proud parents of Orion and Walburga Black.

"C-can I hold my baby now?", a tired Walburga asked after pushing the placenta out.

"What's her name?", the midwife asked as she filled in a birth certificate.

Walburga stared down at her baby along with Orion who was already wrapped around their daughter's little finger.

"Her.... her... name is....Ahhh", Walburga gasped before losing consciousness.

"WALBURGA! Walburga wake up! Wake up", was all she heard along with her baby crying before she was greeted with darkness.


"Corona, you've grown attached....I'm disappointed in you mistress...", Death told her.

"I know, I know, I just couldn't help myself okay?! You always knew I wanted a family, so when the opportunity presented itself I took it. And I don't regret it...", she whispered the last part.

Death looked upon his heartbroken mistress with a slight sigh, honestly someone so pure ended up being the mistress of death, deities must be swimming in irony.

"Stupid human emotions", he grumbled as Corona looked up at him with a questioning gaze.

Corona watched as he pulled something out of his cloak, a hourglass?

"I'm sure you're curious what this is", he replied to her gaze.

"This-", he started holding up the hour glass that was quickly running out of gray sand.

"This is how much time Walburga has left to live, no it does not matter you took over her body. She was never meant to live that long in her original dimension, she survived that long due to a fluke of never having a third child." He said giving a pointed look to a devastated Corona.

"B-but", she whimpered.

"Because of the added factor of having another child, Walburga's body is starting to shut down. The strain of having another baby is too much for Walburga's body". He finished before pulling out another hourglass.

This one had golden bright sand and the there was only a little dent of missing sand.

"And this hourglass, is yours. The dent signifies all the times you've had died before gaining immortality and the gold indicates of a deity life force."

"Walburga has only five months left to live, so you have only five months to finish whatever you've have planned. Whether that is destroying Voldemort or hunting down the horcruxes or even telling Black the truth. Say goodbye. I do not care. Remember you have five months left, use your time wisely", he told his favorite mistress handing her Walburga's hourglass connected to a chain before vanishing into dust.

Leaving Corona on the floor on her knees as she stared at the gray sand that slowly drizzle down. "No more games, no more free fun. I came here for a reason, and I will continue to accomplish my mission. Even if it means I have to play dirty".

Just then a bright light over came her senses.

"Walburga? Walburga? Walburga dear, can you hear me? Are you in pain still?", a slightly afraid voice above her asked.

Opening her eyes, Walburga looked at the concerned people around her. She was going to miss this and them. Orion handed her their daughter, she started to cry ignoring everyone's curious and concerned looks.

Holding in her tears she brushed her daughter's black curly locks behind her ears. Soaking in her face knowing she only has five months to spend with her and her family.

"Her name.... her name is Astraea Urania Corona Black", she finalized as everyone started to congratulate them. Corona let one last tear drop on her daughter's cheek. Merlin she was going to miss them so much.

I promise I'll do better...

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