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"Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and above all, those who live without love." –The Deathly Hallows


Sighing softly I continued stare at the same painting for five minutes straight as the painting stared right back at me. Then proceeded to roll my eyes when the painting of Cygnus the first made his hasty retreat noticing my bubbling irritation.

Merlin was I bored, my babies were visiting their grandparents Arcturus and Melania. Orion was at work as well as Abraxas, so I couldn't annoy both of them. Lucius, Abraxas's son was at tutoring so I couldn't spend time with him and with Lucius being Orion's godson per his request as his original godfather had passed away.

Sighing, I continued to look around the family room rubbing my seven month pregnant belly, it's been four months since my big emotional fight with my husband. Ever since that day, we grew more in love. I could feel it, the spark between us grew stronger. It was lovely.

It was amazing and fantastic, but...... I'm living a lie....

I'm not the Walburga Black, the one full of insecurities and pressure of keeping the family image up while kissing the feet of a madman who lied to her face about making a better world for her family and for what she believed was right.

I-I am Corona Potter an imposter who stole someone's life. Even if that person was a wretched woman who was absolutely nasty and insane.

I Walb-no Corona felt guilty.

I sighed softly to myself staring down at the streets of the neighborhood watching children play while their parents chatted with each other while keeping a watchful eye on their children.

As guilty I may be, this is my life now. And to apologize to the original Walburga, I'm going to try my damn hardest to lead a life that she would somewhat approve of. Feeling greatly motivated, I gently and carefully stood up from my chair.

But first and foremost! I need a peanut butter pickle and sardines sandwich. I thought walking down to the informal dinning hall.

Taking a large bite, I moaned a bit at the delightful taste. Fully focused on my beloved sandwich I didn't notice four people walk into room with various expressions of amusement watching me inhale my sandwich, until I heard a slight cough. Eyes wide as saucers, I quickly swallowed my mouthful and sipping a bit of water before wiping my mouth as gracefully as I could.

Turning back to face them, I carefully got up with my big pregnant belly.

"Uncle Marius! Damien! How good to see you guys, and oh. Look how much you grown! Castor and Ares", I exclaimed hugging each of them individually while pecking their cheeks.


Marius chuckled along with his husband Damien as they watched Walburga hug the living daylights out of their twin sons.

"Walburga dear, I'm sure they need to breathe", he called out to his niece.

Pouting she let go of the twins who dramatically fell to the floor playfully gasping for air, as the three adults rolled their eyes at the 15 year olds.

"How lovely it is to visit me!", Walburga exclaimed happily before bursting into tears. "*sniff sniff* I so bored and my back hurts!", she whined sadly as Damien rubbed her lower back in sympathy.

"It's okay dear, that's why we're here. To take you out to get some fresh air. You've been cooped up in this house for far too long my dear", Damien told Walburga as the family guided her to the door, slipping on her shoes and outside peacock coat.

Once they were outside, Walburga sucked in a deep breath enjoying the fresh air and sun. They guided her into their family car, which was bigger in the inside so there was enough room for them to fit with enough comfort.

"Where are we going?", Walburga asked Ares who held her left hand while Castor held her right, the two shared a secretive smile before replying, "you'll know when we get there".

Walburga pouted in displeasure, she hated surprises. The family laughed at her expression, sighing she let out a small smile enjoying the time she spent with the family of four.

First they took her shopping for baby clothes much to her delight, noticing the little princess outfits and tutus along with the cute gender neutral clothes. She also bought a few newborn onesies in the pastel colors of black, gray, blue, green, and purple. Merlin forgive pink ew.

After shopping for clothes they took her out to dinner in a rather homey restaurant rather than a luxurious fancy restaurant she was so used to. Walburga quite enjoyed the chicken alfredo they served at the Italian restaurant.

During dinner they talked, enjoyed themselves, and shared smiles and laughs without a care. This is what Walburga dreamed for and hoped for when she was Corona and still do as Walburga.

When they took her home they shared hugs and kisses and goodbyes.

And what waited for her at home was her family, letting out a big smile she picked up Reggie and kissed his cheek.

Then turned to her husband who was holding Sirius who kissed her cheek smiling and at last Walburga turned to Orion who pulled her close to his chest and leaned down to kiss her on her lips.

Walburga closed her eyes and leaned into the kiss deepening it while ignoring the gagging sound Sirius was making. Finally pulling back, the couple shared a loving look before walking into the house as the front door shut behind them and locked.


A/N: Hey Everyone~~
Don't think I've forgotten about Voldemort and his annoying horcruxes dearie.

Oh no, I've got something brilliantly planned out.

Anyhow, Walburga had a bit of a mental identity crisis, but being pregnant can make you a bit depress. Trust me, I know.

Next chapter will be about the arrival of a new star and a disaster. ;)

After all it's always calm before a storm ⚡️

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