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"Chaos reigned."― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


"I can't believe two years have passed already", I stated looking at a two year old Regulus Black chase after a five year old Sirius in the Black Manor gardens. The older Black couple along with Orion murmured in agreement as we sipped on tea and ate biscuits that Melania and I decided to bake earlier that evening.

Our peaceful relaxing time came to a screeching stop when we heard two screams. Alert we all rushed the scene just in time to see Regulus floating gently down in the air, snatching him out of the air I pulled him into my chest checking if he had any injuries, before telling the others he was okay. 

While Orion did the same with Sirius. Despite my efforts, Sirius was forever a daddy's boy while my precious Reggie was a mommy's boy.

Siri quickly explained to his best abilities that they were playing on one of the big slides when Reggie went down too fast and shot into the air. Before his flight down back to land came to a halting stop as he started to slowly float down before he was caught by me. 

"Does that mean Reggie performed his first accidental magic!", Siri squealed in delight as I nodded yes. 

The rest of us cheered as well, for a family that still held certain views about magic, this was a huge relief for all of us, especially me. Despite what I would have personally do, I knew nothing I would say could stop them from taking away any squib children I may have.

While we sat at dinner, Orion who sat diagonally from me on his father's right side (who sat at the head of the table despite Orion being the lord) with Sirius beside him and I was sitting next to his mother on my right and Reggie on my left. 

We were peacefully enjoying our meal when I caught a whiff of the deviled eggs that made its way near me, suddenly feeling nauseous and having the urge to throw up, I abruptly pushed my chair back making a loud screeching noise halting all noise in the room as the others saw my speeding form heading out the dining room. 


Melania offered to check on her while the men and boys continued their conversations. Rushing over to the direction she had seen Walburga head to, she finally arrived to a bathroom hearing retching and vomiting on the other side. 

"Walburga dear, are you okay?", she asked her daughter-in-law in concern. Only to be answered with another round of vomiting and gagging. Unlocking the door Melania found her daughter hovering over the toilet as tear marks stained her face. 

Looking up, Walburga stared into her mother-in-law's eyes. "I think I'm pregnant", she whispered before she caught the smell of her perfume and proceeded to barf her heart out as Melania held up her hair and rubbed her back. 

The moment Walburga made it to the bathroom and started vomiting, she knew something wrong. thinking about the last time she had her period, she paled. How could she be so blind, she missed her period three time but brushed it off as hormonal imbalance and recent weight gain. 

Now thinking back, when was the last time she made love with Orion... it was their anniversary... THREE MONTH AGO. Swearing loudly in her head as she vomited once again catching the whiff of Melania's strong lavender and vanilla perfume. 

Picking myself up with the help of Melania we decide to get it confirmed so we grabbed our coats and headed quickly to St. Mungos. While we waited for a few minutes our personal Black family doctor guided us into his medical room.

"What seems to be the problem Lady and Madam Black?", Theodore asked kindly. 

"We have our suspicion that Walburga might be pregnant once again with my third grandchild", Melania answered as Walburga stared at her hands in shock. Sure she wanted another child, but right now when she was planning to destroy the horcruxes and finally defeat Voldemort once and for all.

But once Theodore showed them a sonogram of the still developing fetus, Walburga burst into tears as all doubts concerning of the baby were thrown out the window the moment she laid her eyes on the fast beating heart. This was her baby. A baby was growing inside of her. Melania on the other was crying tears of joy at the prospect of having another grandchild to spoil.

Clutching onto the sonogram, the two ladies thanked Theodore as they used his office floo to floo back to the manor. Walking in large strides she headed to her main target(i.e Orion) to tell him the good news. 

Slamming the dinning door open, immediately all the attention went to her. 

"I have an announcement to make, Orion, I'm PREGNANT AGAIN!", she exclaimed happily.

Orion felt his jaw drop before proceeding to faint while Siri and Reggie ran excitedly to their mum. They were going to get a new baby brother or sister!

Walburga just rolled her eyes at her husband's reaction while hugging her parents-in-law and children who were excited and happy for her. 

Meanwhile laid collapsed on the floor after waking up, as much as he loved his wife and was happy at the thought of having another child. It was a pregnant Walburga that terrified him, a happy Walburga was a blessing, an angry Walburga was scary but tolerable, but...but a pregnant Walburga was a deadly one.

May Orion rest in peace...

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