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"There is no such thing as a perfect relationship. You just have to work hard to make it perfect for you."—Unknown


Walburga knew she royally screwed up this time, as she looked at her feet in shame.

"-not only did you go against my orders to not engage in with any of this death eater business, but you decided to engage with one of his well known supporters. If he were to know that you have betrayed your trust in Voldemort then heads would be rolling!", shouted an angry Orion.

Feeling deeply annoyed, Walburga tried to say something but was cut off by Orion, "but-".

"But Nothing! Walburga. You're four months pregnant with our third child. You need to be careful. It's not just your life on the line but our unborn child along with our family", he tried to reason with her.

"You don't understand. He was in possession of one of the horcruxes! I couldn't just let the opportunity pass especially since the future is changing already and this horcrux will no longer ever going to be passed down to Bella.

So I seized the opportunity and struck. When he was distracted I switched it with a fake with similar wards on it as we talked in front of Gringotts. There's no harm done! I got the horcrux and now it's gone!", she exclaimed to her husband.

"No harms done? No harms done? Unbelievable?! You don't get do you?!", he asked furiously.

"I didn't do anything wrong! I destroyed the horcrux. the baby's fine!", Walburga shouted at her husband as a rush of pregnancy hormones bubbled inside her, making her upset and angry in a matter of seconds.

"The baby is not fine, it could've been killed! Horcruxes are no laughing matter. There's a reason you have to be really careful about having over exposure with them, especially in your fragile body's current state. They are extremely dark magic!-

At this point Walburga was going to say something, only to be cut off again, "dear..-".

-You can't keep putting yourself in danger! This conversation is not over, however I need to go to work... I don't have time for this conversation if you're not able to see what you've done wrong", he said disappointingly as he shook his head walking out the room to go to work.

Hearing the floo roar on, Walburga knew he left. Looking at her bonding ring, Walburga burst into tears, all she wanted to do was help get rid of Voldemort from the world.

It wasn't until watching after her children and taking a relaxing bath then she finally realize why Orion was so angry at her. If Voldemort were to find out about their betrayal he wouldn't hesitate to wipe out their whole family. And to think that she put her babies on the line terrified her.

After a quiet and tense dinner with Orion leaving the table early into their master bedroom, Walburga had given her children a bath before tucking them in. Placing Reggie into his twin sized bed with magical crib like bars around it to prevent him from falling off.

She placed a soft kiss on his forehead before slipping out of his bedroom and into Sirius to do the same. Only to find him still awake but drowsy. "Oh my little star, why are you still up?", she asked lovingly as she tucked him in once again.

"Why are you and daddy fighting?", Sirius suddenly asked with his childish voice making Walburga slightly stumble as she went to grab a story book.

She turned her head to stare into two curious stormy gray eyes that reminded her strongly of her husband's. "How did you know?", she asked softly as she sat back down on the chair near his bed. Sirius just shrugged in response as he waited patiently for her to continue.

Sighing, Walburga told him about the fight keeping some vital information to herself and swapping some things out to make it more child friendly. Sirius just listen to her as she finished telling him her side of the story. He had a rather thoughtful look plastered on his childish boyish features.

"That's just stupid! Mommy you bad girl. You could've hurt yourself and baby sister! Grandma always told me you should never go to sleep angry, you need to tell him you're sorry!", he childishly reprimanded me with a cute pout.

"I know little star, I know. Its just sometimes my body has a mind of its own and I have trouble not being attracted to danger. Oh I love your daddy so much, that not even he knows about how much I love him. This pregnancy is making me so emotional, I'm starting to lose my mind!-

-I just wish your father could forgive me! I was wrong, I'll admit it! I was wrong, I shouldn't have put our lives in danger, I should've taken care of myself more, and more importantly. I shouldn't taken our lives for granted and that we should cherish every moment we have together til the very end", she wept extra hormonal.

Little did she know Orion had hear the whole conversation, until two strong arms wrapped around her as she wept, "I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry....I'm so-".

"I know love, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have been so hard on you especially in your current pregnant state. Walburga continued to cry, after all these years of being reborn she never truly got to weep and cry about everything she had given up in her previous life even if it was little, it still meant a lot to her.

Sirius fell asleep with a smile on his face, watching as his father carry his mother out of the room after kissing his forehead goodnight.

Laying bed Sirius stared at his enchanted ceiling, his goddaughter wasn't the only one given a second chance as Death finally found his soul.

He debated about telling his goddaugh-no mother about it but decided against it. It was his little secret and in his opinion one of the greatest marauder's prank.

After all, a marauder never gives out one's secrets.


A/N: Hello my lovely readers, as suggested in the story. Walburga and Orion will be having a daughter(no surprise there). As an author who loves involving her reader's ideas into her stories.

- What should the couple name their third child?

- Also is there something you would really like to see? (like family fluff, Sirius new marauder years, family reunions etc.)

P.S the Last 3 "paragraphs" were a joke I wrote at 3 in the morning, it has nothing to do with the story. It was just for my own loopy amusement lol

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