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"The Elder Wand," he said, and he drew a straight vertical line on the parchment. "The Resurrection Stone," he said, and he added a circle on top of the line. "The Cloak of Invisibility," he finished, enclosing both line and circle in a triangle, to make the symbol that so intrigued Hermione. "Together," he said, " the Deathly Hallows." — Xenophilius Lovegood


Walburga, Orion, Abraxas, and Dumbledore quietly crept upon their target.

Disillusioned, Abraxas and Walburga scoped out the scene in case someone or something decided to wander around the Gaunt shack at the same time as them.

They did not want people to know what they were doing so Orion and Dumbledore erected a temporary repelling ward around them and the Gaunt shack.

"Are you sure this the right place?", Orion asked, side glancing his wife who carved protective runes on the shack to contain it in case the shack "accidentally" explodes.

"Yes, now pay attention you three", she called out as they huddled inside the small shack.

"In here is one of the most revolting Dark magical item ever created, under no circumstances are you to touch it with your bare hands. And DO NOT wear it! Got it!", she warned them before giving Dumbledore a pointed look who wiped the bit of greed out of his eyes.

"Yes Ma'am!", the three men chorused.

"Good. Now Abraxas you're on guard duty make sure no one is around. We may have put a repelling ward but it's better to be safe than sorry. Be ready in twenty minutes to activate the 'get away' portkey. Do you understand?", Walburga explained to the blonde who nodded.

Walburga nodded back before turning to Orion.

"Orion you are in charge of taking down the protective wards around the horcrux, we have no idea how dangerous they can be so I want you to be extremely careful. Understand?" She asked her husband who agreed.

Turning to Dumbledore she once again explained his duties, "Dumbledore you are in charge of carefully obtaining the horcrux and destroying it. I'll be honest, I don't like you very much but I want you to be careful."

She glanced up at him making sure to look at his crooked nose in case he tried to poke around in her thoughts.

"Don't let the ring's temptation blind you. Listen to me. DO NOT PUT ON THE RING! Do you understand?", she asked him with a hard look, daring him to deny her.

"No, I understand Lady Black", Dumbledore replied lightly blushing because she hit bullseye with her observation.

"Good, let's hope you keep your word", she retorted before clapping her hands.

"I will work around to ensure everyone's safety. If you're injured tell me immediately. I cannot stress this enough. Please be careful.", she pleaded the three men who glanced at each other before assuring the woman they would.

And with that they separated to fulfill their tasks.

But Walburga still couldn't help but to worry.

Fifteen minutes in Walburga stiffened from where she was talking with Orion and turned to Dumbledore who was reaching out and was about to put the ring on.

"NO!", she screeched loudly startling Dumbledore who quickly jumped away from the ring.

Wrapping the ring in a soft black cloth, she rounded on Dumbledore who had a glazed look in his eyes.

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