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"And they'd [the Death Eaters] love to have me," said Harry sarcastically. "We'd be best pals if they didn't keep trying to do me in. " J. K. Rowling


Voldemort tapped his fingertips on his wooden throne in deep thought yet very aware of his surroundings.

Sixteen mudblood homes attacked, slaughtered, and raided; marked with his death eater symbol always brought great pleasure to him.

'What to do? What to do?', he pondered glancing around the parlor, which was renovated into his personal throne room.

He smiled sadistically, remembering the fearful screams and pleads from his biological father's family.

They deserved it. He suffered. He took the burnt of the pain.

The disgrace of both his parents.

Having a muggle for a father ruined his chances to go far in the wizarding world and to be treated and be constantly reminded that he was a second class citizen.

And to be constantly looked down by purebloods for just having a muggle father made his blood boil.

And in the muggle world, to have a blueblood father break his engagement to another blueblood for a poor ugly farm girl and run away to marry her.

Unbelievable. A disgrace. A tragedy that tarnished the good Riddle Family, for now they are shamed for the heir of the Riddle Family to do something so scandalous, so improper.

Not like his mother's "pureblood" family was any better.

Obviously inbred, dirt poor, refuse to contribute towards anything after being forced to go to Hogwarts at the threat of binding their magic.

His abusive grandfather cared more about being drunk, and shaming and threatening everyone. Assaulting wizards and muggles alike.

His uncle was dumber than a rock, easy to anger, also abusive and also took to assaulting and threatening people. He along with grandfather were thrown into jail.

Voldemort sneered remembering when he made his uncle Morfin take the blame for murdering the Riddle Family.

Morfin didn't need much convincing and took in the fake planted memories easily, boasting about "his" assault against the Riddles and the eventual death.

He even bragged to the authorities, taking great pride and pleasure for "killing" the Riddle Family.

He was locked up for life. Rotting away.

Voldemort drummed his thin pale fingers across the armrest in thought when a minion barged into his throne room harshly panting.

He was going to curse the idiot but he must be baring important information if he was brave and dumb enough to barge in uninvited.

He'll live... for now.

"My lord, my lord. I come bearing grave news! A prophecy spoken by that weird Lovegood, the seer spoke of a prophecy of your downfall, my lord!", the minion all but shouted at Voldemort.

Voldemort cruelly sneered, "What, tell me at once before I kill you!" He shouted at the minion who cowered down at his feet, kissing the hem of his robe begging for forgiveness.

He stuttered nervously regretting coming in the first place. "Y-yes my Dark lord! She said—

"Fates design reversed in time, changed by her who is blessed by Death, born to skin not of her own.

Greets Death as if a friend and not a foe, to be gifted with the powers of Death...

When the time comes that white smoke rises, a broken bone shall bring forth the fall of the mistaken and the downfall of a Dark lord.

When the time comes that siblings rival and choices are stolen, a foolish choice shall bring a rise of faith and desire.

When the time comes that summer ends, two enemies shall bring forth the fall of one another.

It shall be then, when the world becomes shrouded in shadows, the guilty shall mark an age of justice and the restoration of balance.

For either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives...

Born to neither Dark nor Light....the Gray shall rise again..."

"Was there anyone else?" Voldemort questioned, thinking over the "prophecy of his downfall". He scoffed at the mere thought, as if someone can defeat him.

"N-No my lord", Avery Sr. stuttered, shaking in fear.

"Very well then, you can leave." Voldemort shooed him off.

Avery Sr. thanked Merlin and quickly made his retreat out of the throne room, too bad he wasn't fast enough.

"Avada Kedavra."

The man crumpled onto the floor. Voldemort sneered at the pitiful man and waved at one of the guards to take him away.

"I hate bad news." He icily said glaring at the dead retreating body, making the people around him shiver at his tone.

'A prophecy concerning my defeat? How interesting...' Voldemort thought amused.


"Have you made a decision sisters?" one sister asked.

"She should die, ruining our hard work. Do you know how annoying and hard that world's fate was to weave!" shouted another clearly agitated.

Another interrupted, "Shut up sister, you're just jealous she did a better job than us."

"Do not!"

"Did too!"

The first sister sighed to herself and sucked in a deep breath.


Almost immediately both girls shut their mouths and sat in their seats looking at their eldest sibling looking like innocent angels. Which she did not buy even in the slightest.

She was about to scold them when the threads of the "British Wizarding World" started moving on their own. She waved over at the other two who stopped playing around.

The Fates stood watching the threads tighten and weave on their own without their manipulations, interesting.

Their choice was ripped out of their control.

They watched concerned, "A prophecy has been made..." the one all for killing Corona whispered to her sisters.

"We must tell Death, it's his avatar in danger again." Continued the third sister.

"The first move has been made... —You cannot escape your destiny Corona Lily Potter. The Prophecy Child. Your destiny awaits." The three Fates chanted as magic threads of fate seeped and wove into their words, sealing her fate.


Voldemort cackled, "It's time to take a step forward my minions! Prepare for an attack! It's time to see if my "defeater" can defeat me!"

At the announcement fifty death eaters rose their wands in union. It was time to show the world who was in charge.


Corona abruptly woke up panting, awaking Orion who asked her if she was okay.

"I have a bad feeling about something..." she whispered in the night.

A/N: I suck at writing a prophecy!

This story at most will be 30 chapters at max but can go beyond that for side stories and epilogues :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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