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"Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve." —Ginny Weasley


Hearing slight shuffling I turned my head only to stare into beautiful cool gray eyes full of curiosity and mischief that could only belong to one person. After a bit of staring at each other I slowly got up into a sitting position and picked up the 2 almost 3 year old. "Sirius love, what's wrong?", I asked him noticing he was a bit distracted. "Mum, I mean mother are you okay?", he said to best abilities.

'Aww he was worried for his mum, how cute', I internally squealed.

"Sirius love, I'm fine no need to worry", I said carefully pulling him into my lap.

"Are you ready to see your little brother?", I asked him while stroking his soft black hair.

"Yes!", Sirius exclaimed wide eyed.

Giggling softly, I softly pinched his nose getting a burst of giggles from him. This little boy was my baby now and this inner lioness will do anything to protect him and his little brother. Feeling something tap on my cheek I snapped out of my train of thought and looked down at the now pouting little boy.

"Mama?", he asked unsurely.

"Yes? Sirius", I replied looking down at his twitchy figure.

"Will you still love me even though you have a new baby now?", he mumbled yet I heard every single word. Feeling my heart ache for him, I pulled him into a hug, "I will always love you, don't ever doubt it".

"And for doubting me you shall be punished", I told him as a mischievous smile creeped onto my face. He looked frightened for a moment before I pounced him, tickling him.

Screaming he laughed so hard begging to use the restroom. "Mama hahahaha Mother hahaha Mum hah.... Have mercy... Let me go! I need to use the loo!!!", he screamed in a fit of giggles running out of breath.

Just then the door to our room swung open and in came such a handsome man that could only be Orion Black. "Orion... ", I whispered giving him a carefree smile as he walked over to me.

"Are you okay Walburga?", he asked in concern, bending over to give me a kiss. Leaning in I kissed him back feeling something spark in the pit of my stomach. Giving him a smile and a peck on the cheek, I turned to the baby in his arms. 'Merlin, he was beautiful', I thought as I reached out to hold him.

Orion immediately handed over our son, pulling the blanket away from his face. I gasped in awe, he was so beautiful! "He's so beautiful...", I whispered to Orion as he held Sirius who's been trying to get a look at his little brother.

"What should we name him?", Orion asked me. "How about Regulus? Regulus Arcturus Black?", I said watching Sirius as he looked at his brother in awe. "Perfect", Orion said as Sirius gasped scrunching up his nose, "He's so tiny and wrinkly!". Getting giggles and chuckles from his parents who told him all babies looked like that at first.

"Even me?!", he gasped in wonder looking at his parents wide eyed.

Their blissful family moment was interrupted when a rapid knock on the door. Straighting up both Orion and I sat up straight as Orion called out to let them come in. In came Orion's parents Arcturus and Melania Black, my parents had died in a freak accident caused by death eaters. Merlin have mercy on me, I prayed as the couple stared at me as I tried to not shake.

Ps. I'll update again tonight, I'm currently doing a research project sorry guys

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