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"We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are." —Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


Bellatrix at six years old knew that the world was cruel immediately after she turned three, when her father expressed his disappointment that as the oldest she should have been a boy, and when he found out that her mother was having another girl yet again, he yelled and cursed at her mother before turning to her and started yelling at her too.

Telling her that she was a mistake and a huge disappointment.

This continued on for years and years, but not once had he physically assaulted them. Until now that is. In all her 6 years of life she never felt so unwanted until her third sister Narcissa was born. Bellatrix had never seen her father so angry and disappointed when Narcissa was born without the normal curly-ish black hair that all born Black females had, instead she inherited her mother's beautiful blonde locks.

And for the first time in her life, she had saw something finally snapped within her father as he slapped her mother Druella in the face, before slapping and punching her a few more times in the face and gut. Still furious he turned to her with a raised fist ready to hit her when something miraculous happened.

Her father was flung back until he crashed into a nearby wall and knocked out cold. Turning to her savior, she was surprised to see her aunt Walburga and grandfather Arcturus who was fuming in anger along with aunt Walburga who had her wand still out.

Suddenly a startled anguish cry, shook them all out of their anger and fear and immediately turned their attention at a thoroughly beaten up Druella. Almost immediately Walburga levitated her sister-in-law Druella off the floor and onto a nearby couch and then proceeded with healing up her injuries, luckily they weren't fatal.

Once all her cuts were healed, Walburga summoned a bruising healing salve and promptly applied it to all of Druella bruises, especially the ones on her stomach. Walburga couldn't help but to wince in pity upon seeing the large purple bruise on her once pregnant belly. After being healed, Walburga handed a pain relieving potion to Druella who greatly accepted it before knocking out.

Suddenly a loud startled cry broke out from up stairs. Looking up at the stairs, Walburga immediately sprinted upstairs and a few moments later the crying finally stopped as Walburga walked down the stairs hold a few months old baby in one arm and a four year old toddler in the other.

"Bellatrix dear, pack up your bags you're staying with my family for the time being until we sort out this problem. Okay?", Walburga told her niece who looked solemnly at her mother and father before nodding her head and running up stairs to pack some of her clothes and things.

Looking at her bed she stared at the single slightly dirtied stuffed bunny on her bed with a sad look, her father had bought that for her when she still a newborn baby.

Her father wasn't always like this,  there would be days where he would the most doting and nicest father there could ever be. However, everything changed when he started to obsess over that new Dark Lord. Bellatrix hated the Dark Lord because he took away a man that had once been a doting family man and twisted him so bad that he became this cruel blood supremest man, that wasn't even her father more.

Not being able to hold in her tears anymore, she clutched onto her bunny and sobbed her heart out in anguish for a few minutes. Until she felt a pair of slim arms pull her into a hug and rub her back as she continued to cry. "It's not FAIR!", she sobbed in frustration as Walburga rubbed her back and told her to lest out all her feelings.

Walburga held onto her niece as the little girl of six years old had already suffered so much. Listening to crying was so heart breaking,  Walburga needed to do something about it. And when her niece told her about how it only started to be this bad after her father started to obsesses over the new Dark Lord.

Walburga's eyes widen in surprise for a bit before they harden tremendously in anger. The dark Lord wannabe is going to pay for messing with her family.

After drying up her tears, Bellatrix collected her stuff before clutching her aunts hand, seeking for comfort before walking back to the living room where grandfather Arcturus was holding his now awake youngest granddaughter in his arms while Andromeda sat patiently waiting on the couch besides her now awake mother.

Seeing her mom awake Bellatrix ran to hug her who easily opened her arm out welcoming the hug. The mother and daughter duo cried together as the other occupants talked.

"Father according to Bellatrix, Cygnus only started acting up this way after he started to obess over the wannabe next Dark Lord. This is troublesome.", Walburga sighed to her father-in-law.

"Indeed, as head of the house I will punish Cygnus appropriately and get him some help. However, what shall we do with his family", Arcturus replied to his daughter-in-law curious about what she would answer. After all the Walburga he knew was a completely different woman than the woman currently standing in front of him who had a slight thinking face before it quickly disappeared. Had he not been looking at her face he would have easily missed it.

"They shall stay with Orion and I, Merlin's know how much room we have in the Black manor", she replied before announcing it the others in the room.

The ball was finally starting to roll, part one of her plan was almost complete, Walburga thought to herself internally grinning maniacally.

A/N: Adjusted the ages so it can fit in with my plot. Bellatrix is six, Andromeda is four, and Narcissa is five months old. Sirius is two, and Regulus is 2 months old. Also Arcturus is the three sisters granduncle, their grandfather was Pollux but eh I'm lazy to use the correct term.

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