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"Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it." — Haruki Murakami


Orion and I greeted our guests as they gracefully(must be genetics) came out through the floo.

"Thank you for joining us on this joyous occasion, we extend our many thanks for graciously attending our youngest Astraea Black's two-month milestone. Please gather around the parlor with the others."

Orion and I took turns repeating to our many many family members.

Arcturus Black. Melania Black. Cassiopeia Black. Lyra Black. Regulus Black I. Old geezers, Hesper and Sirius II. Alphard, Dorea, Charlus, and Canis were also here. Even squib Marius came by.

Seeing a flash of blonde hair I internally whispered my thanks to Merlin.

"Cygnus, brother how are you?", I asked politely.

He replied politely back before talking to Orion, "I'm doing well sister."

Turning to the remaining four family members I let out a sweet smile.

"Druella! It's good to see you again. Oh! What's this! You're absolutely glowing! How far along are you?", I asked her ecstatic gently rubbing her swollen bulging belly.

"You're so sweet Walburga, I'm six months along, three more to go." Druella replied with a giggle before she was dragged away by Cassiopeia and Lyra Black.

Oh dear, I hope the "Gossip and Blackmail Queens" play nice.

Finally turning to the three girls, I visibly softened taking in Bellatrix's delicate content features and wild messy black curls; to Andromeda's dark brown wavy curls and cheeky smile; to finally Narcissa's pretty straight blonde hair and innocent smile.

Sometimes I wonder why my personality doesn't get called out by the other Blacks, but then again, I only act like this around family and friends.

We were all weird and quirky in some way, we just quietly take everything in stride I guess. I mentally shrugged before going back to cooing.

Merlin, they were absolutely adorable.

"Andromeda oh you've grown so much, seven already?! So pretty!", I praised Andromeda who blushed and smiled.

"And Narcissa, the last time I saw you. You were just a baby, and look at you; a toddler now. 3-years-old just like Reggie. Ohh you're so cute." I cooed at the little blonde who shuffled her Mary Jane covered feet before shyly nodding and held onto her sisters' dresses.

"Why don't you two play with my wayward sons, they're by the play area." I shooed off the two girls. Silently watching as they approached my 5-years-old son who was acting as the leader of the other four Black children.

Meanwhile 3-years-old Regulus took refuge in a corner and ignored his brother in favor of playing with a trick wand that shot out colorful lights.

Once they were with the boys I grabbed Bellatrix into an embrace, "Oh dear you've grown so much! 9-years-old and you're already so tall. Two more years and you're ready to attend Hogwarts."

"Nice to see you too Aunt Walburga." Bellatrix replied quirking a small smile.

"Yes. Yes. Now tell me how've you been dear—?", I asked as we fell into a discussion about her interests with me inputting an opinion here and there.

"Sorry dear I have to start the dinner." I apologized to Bellatrix who nodded understanding as we headed to our assigned seats.

One hour into the dinner, sugarcoated insults were thrown at each other along with little petty snide comments that I evidently paid no attention to as I glance to the children table in interest.

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