Chapter 2

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"Good morning class!" Mrs. Barnes greets the class, "Just sit in a seat and once everyone is here, I'll move you to your permanent seats."

I sit at the desk where none else is sitting yet. They're two people desks in here, so which means we'll have partners all trimester. I wonder who mine will be?

I hope it's someone I know, so it won't be awkward and shit.

The bells finally rings and pretty much everyone is here. Calum just came in here and stole the open seat that was next to me.

"I didn't say you could sit there?" I joke, making a disgusted face at him.

He gives me an over dramatic eye roll, "I do what I want I'm punk rock."

I laugh, "Oh god, you're no where near."

"Fuck you." He flips me off while laughing.

Mrs. Barnes gasps, "Calum! Lanague!" She points him out, "Anyways, I'm going to give you your desk numbers."

Everyone picks up their stuff, getting ready to move to their new desk. I hope she didn't put me in the front. She knows I hate the front. Not just because I can't get away with sleeping, but I just hate it.

"Calum Hood and Richard Links, Desk 1."

I laugh at Calum when he groans, now he just doesn't like he front because he can't sleep.

"Cassandra Quinn and Dirk Crow, Desk 2."

When everyone finally got their desks, she started going through the lame expectations and what not. Thankfully, she had put me in the back and it was the last desk, but I don't have a partner.

I laid my head down, trying to take a little nap. The whole rules of the classroom was so boring I could barely keep my eyes open.

"Now, if it's that important that you need to answer-." Mrs. Barnes was cut off by a loud knock at the door, silencing the whole class. I don't look up but I can hear the door opening and Mrs. Barnes talking to person at the door.

"Go sit by Luke in the back, the one with his head down." She tells the person as she closes the door.

I still don't look up because I finally managed to get my head comfortable on my crossed arms.

After a little while, Mrs. Barnes finally finishes and I feel a light poke on m shoulder.

"Excuse me?" The small voice asks. I raised up, almost flipping out of my own chair.

It's her! The girl I've had my eyes on for three years! Her hair was brown with purple ombré today. She wore a regular black hoodie with blue jeans that were skin tight on her, but not too tight. I've waited so long for this to happen one day to have her permanent seat next to me. So long.

She raises an eyebrow, "Do I have something on my face or?"

"Huh? Uh n-no! You're fine!" I mentally face palm myself for my stupid stuttering. "I mean, you look pretty so you have nothing on your face." I look away and mutter a 'fuck' under my breath which caused her to giggle. It was so fucking cute when it was right next to me. Oh god.

"Thanks," Her cheeks begin to redden, "You look really familiar."

"We've had classes together last year."

Her tongue slips out between her lips to moisten them, which was fucking hot. "Wasn't it Mr. Oli?"

"Yeah." I smile, "You remember the kid that put super glue on his desk?"

She nods, covering her mouth with her hand as little giggles come out. "That was you!"

I laugh along with her, "Yeah, he was so pissed."

"I would've been too!" She defends him, "I would've made you clean it up."

"Yeah sure." I wave her off playfully, "Anyways, what's your name?" I bite my lip ring with all my attention on her.

Her eyes flickered quickly to my lips then back to my eyes, "Uh, Lana."

"Lana," I repeat, "I like that name, it seems to fit you."

She scoffs, "Yeah right. I hate my name."


"People always spell it or say it wrong, especially my last name." She pulls out her phone, "It's annoying as fuck."

I laugh, fiddling with a random pen on my desk. "Well, at least you're not my mate Calum. He gets called Calvin, Calmin, even Column somtimes."

"That's awful." She types a quick response on her phone, frustrated, then locks it. "I would shoot somone."

I chuckle, "You look frustrated?"

She groans, "I am." She unlocks her phone, scooting closer to me so she can show me the screen. "This guy wants to take me on a date but, I think he's just trying to get a fuck out of me."

"But you're also going along with it too?" I ask, seeing that she sends heart faced emojis and winky faces too.

She looks at me, her eyes focused on my lips for a second then up to mine. "I like to be a tease."

The way she said that was like she was telling me that more than just saying that. Her voice so low and kind of seductive.

I look at her while biting my lip, "Do I know him?"

She shrugs her shoulders. "I think I've seen him with you a few times." She bites her lip, thinking. "He has bright red hair, eyebrow piercing?"

Holy shit.

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