Bird with a Broken Wing

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Anu woke up with the sound of crying. She woke up annoyed, it was barely 7 in the morning. The child kept on shrieking at the top of his lungs and Neel was nowhere in sight. She got up and picked up the child. The child stopped crying and stared at her with his round blue eyes. The twinkling eyes looked at her with wonder. As she patted him, he held on to her finger, with his tiny hands. It was the first time since she came that she was holding the child. 

He pulled a strand of her long hair and put it in his mouth. "Don't do that Aryan' she chided him gently. He just laughed. As she held him, for the first time since long she felt a sense of genuine calm washing over her. The chilly morning, the chirping of the words and the gentle chuckle of Aryan were working their magic.

She noticed a shadow move. She turned to see Neil standing in a T-Shirt and pyjamas, watching her silently. How long had been since he had come back?

"I went to get some smokes and grocery. I didn't think he would wake up." He said in an apologetic tone. 

By this time she already knew Neel didn't want her near his son. However, he didn't ask her to give him back. She kept on playing with Aryan as Neel went to the kitchen, and came back later with steaming hot Sandwiches, Omelette and tea. He held onto his son as she started having the breakfast. It seemed as Neel was a really good cook. The food was delicious. 

It was a weekend. Neel didn't have to go to the office. 

He sat across her sipping his tea. Then he pulled out a cigarette and lit it. Over the days, Anu had come to know of his gross habit of smoking. And she hated it. He would start smoking any place and any time, even while holding his son. She had pointed out the first day but she had stopped. If he didn't care for his son's health why should she?

Neel fidgeted in his chair. Anu could sense the uncomfortableness in his voice "I'm free today. Would you like to go out someplace?" He finally asked as he blew out a puff.

"No" She replied. She didn't know why she was refusing. She had been wishing it for the past few days. Why this rebellion, and who it was against? Against her husband or against fate, she didn't know herself. 

Neel's voice was low. It seemed as if it was taking a lot of effort for him to say what he wanted "You haven't been outside the house since you came. I even asked you to but you refused." He took a deep breath. "Come on. We are going outside "

"Are you asking me to or ordering me?" Anu asked. 

"Telling you. We are going" Anu got up and stomped to her room.


Two years ago

Nisha had forced Anu to accompany her  to one of the biggest shop in the city. She needed to buy some clothes for a wedding.

One peacock-blue dress had caught her eye. She saw the price. Her heart dropped. She traced the hem of the dress with her fingers. The soft fabric, the vivid colours, and how her heart longed to have it. 

"I will buy it for you. An early birthday present" Nisha had sheepishly suggested.

"No, I will buy it. But from my own money. When I make it big" She told her cheerfully.

Nisha had smiled. "I know you will. If the hardest working person I know won't, then who will?"


The present

Neel was dressed in a grey suit while Anu picked up a simple pick sari. He looked decent as usual, Anu radiant as usual.

He took her to the poshest marketplace of the city. Anu had been to some costly stores with Nisha, but never to such fancy ones. He took her to a dress shop and asked her to buy some clothes for her. 

"Buy whatever you want." He told her. She stayed silent. He even asked a staff member of the store to help her but she wouldn't say a word. Defeated in the end, he himself chose some dresses for her. All the most costly ones he could find in the store.

Then he took her to a jewellery store. He didn't even wait to ask her. He just ordered a couple of diamond necklaces he liked. After having lunch at the costliest diner in town they came back.

As he banged the door shut, Anu could sense the anger in Neel. 

"What's the problem? Have I done anything wrong to you?" He fumed. It was the first time he had raised his voice. He dumped the stuff he had brought on the table. He took a cigarette out and started smoking again, trying to calm himself.  "I'm trying my hardest. To make the best of everything and not repeat the past." He was pleading. Anu felt a slight twinge of pity for the man.

She knew he was right. He hadn't done anything wrong. But he was wrong.

"You think you can buy me happiness" She replied pointing to the bags.  "You can't" She said left the room


Hello guys. Hope you are liking the tale till now. I know the pace is a bit slow. But I think to flesh out the characters we need time. 

I would love if you could take a few moments out of your busy schedule and share your thoughts.

Next chapter might totally clear out Anu's past a bit more. So Keep reading. And thanks a lot.

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