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To the readers - Last time I promised that I will update regularly, but I broke that promise but life lately has been... 

I can only say that I'm sorry and I will try my utmost to update regularly henceforth onwards. That is all.

It was a  windy cold evening. Anu sat on the porch, on an armchair, with several packed suitcases lying beside her and an admission letter in her hand. 

She was ready to leave for her college. 

She glanced at the paper and her mind floated to the day a month ago, when she had been admitted to the college. It had been one of the best days of her life. It had been perfect; well almost perfect until the fateful moment when she had asked Neel to dance. 

They had danced for a mere few minutes until he had quietly whispered to stop, red-faced, after stepping on her sari for nearly 20 times during that short period and then almost making her fall face forward on the floor. He truly sucked at dancing. "Don't worry. I will teach you later at home", she had told him in pity. He hadn't said a word, merely nodding in embarrassment, aware of the several amused stares directed towards them. Yes, it had been a joyful night and back then she had eagerly awaited this day when she would actually leave.

But now she only felt a hollow emptiness leaving this house. The gravity of the fact that she would be departing this life for a whole new another kind of life was slowly sinking in. And there was no one to bid her farewell with a smile, not even Reema. She missed her brother so much at that moment. 

Several footsteps, although quiet, yet they were enough to break her from her reverie. Neel stood there, dressed in a white t-shirt and grey pyjamas,  holding her a cup of tea. "Ready?" he asked. She nodded, checking her mobile.

"I have called the cab; there's still some time though." 

He took a seat beside her.  "Reema is still in her room." 

Anu heaved a sigh. Reema had not taken the news about her staying in her college all too well. "Please take me with you. I don't want to stay here alone with Uncle." She had begged. 

Anu understood where she was coming from. Although she had been getting along with Neel, still, her husband was not an easy person to live with, that too alone. Realising that her pleas were to no avail, Reema had stomped away in a fit of anger and tears. Since that day, Anu had been on the receiving end of her silent treatment and basically getting ignored all together. 

"She will come around." Anu hoped that Reema would. The thought of leaving her sister for the first time since her mother's death was eating her from the inside. She stared emptily towards the closed doors of her room upstairs. When she stared back at Neel he could see beaded drops of tears welled in her eyes.

"Why are you crying?" Neel asked, slightly alarmed.

"Nothing." She thought for a moment before dragging her chair closer to him ."Neel, can you promise one thing? Promise that--"

He looked at her quietly for a moment. Before she could complete he answered. "Anu, I will look after her the same as Aryan. There will be no difference." 

 At that moment when she gazed in his deep blue eyes with the slight crinkles around them, for the first time, she felt a small bubble of warmth burst inside her. The oozing warmth soothed her, inspite of the cold that was usually immersed in her husband's stare. The same kind of warmth as the one when she saw Reema. Like when she used to look at her brother. Maybe even the same kind when she used to see Nikhil.

But at the same instant, another conflicting emotion arose within her. Sadness.  The same kind she felt when she realised she would be away from Reema.  She  realised; she was feeling sad at leaving Neel too. 

She mumbled a simple thanks before wiping her tears. She took a sip from the cup and smiled. "The tea is wonderful. Still as good as the first time. I will surely miss it."

He gave her a small smile. And for some strange reason, it comforted her a bit. 

"Umm.. You have been smiling a lot lately." She blurted out without thinking.

He frowned. "Should I not?"

"No no. I didn't mean like that. Sorry. I am in a strange mood today." She fumbled. "I just want to say it's nice. You should try it more often."

He remained impassive and didn't reply, leaving Anu alone to her musings. They both went back to their cup of tea silently.

She was about to step into a life she always wanted. Life had been strange up till now. She had reached there, but the path had been so meandering. Riddled with so many roadblocks, so many hurdles, so much pain. Yet on the same path, she had met this man. 

A conflicted man. A vain man. ....... Nevertheless a good man.

A car honked. Her cab was there. Neel got up and helped load her luggage in the trunk. 

An awkward silence ensued. Then he held out his hand.

"So I guess it's goodbye." His deep eyes bore into her. "Good luck Anu."

She knew that was the most from him. Always so formal. There would be no more words from him. 

She sighed and shook it giving back a weak smile. "Goodbye Neel." She said turning to the open cab door.

But her words felt so empty at the moment. They didn't sound right to her ears. The manner, the way--that's how she used to say farewell to someone she barely knew. Not to a loved one. 

She twirled her fingers. Her palms were turning clammy.  She turned around.

"Neel," She almost whispered. She came a bit near and then stood on her toes. Before he could reply, she swiftly pecked him on his cheek. "Goodbye."

In an instant, without looking at his face, she was inside the car. The engine roared and the car was gone, leaving behind a dusty cloud of smoke.

In the wake of that cloud, stood a lone man. His eyes wide, his face flushed, and his fingers grazing his cheek lightly. And also--  a very small and strange corner of his heart, that was beating very very wildly.


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