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Coco was a bit wobbly as he took the first steps with the crutches. He would have rather ignore the pain and left those stupid things here, but he was strongly advised by the nurses to use them if he wanted to heal properly and he didn't want to slow down the process; all this was shitty enough.

Reaching the end of the corridor, he saw Angel slumped down in one of the chairs in the waiting room. A few minutes before he went into surgery his friend had called him to ask what was going on – where he had gotten too. Coco hadn't shared many of the details; only that he had been shot in the leg and was at the hospital in Santo Padre.

Angel stood up as soon as he saw him, raising his eyebrows. "The fuck happened to you?"

Coco shrugged his shoulders. "Hot girl."

"Why are the girls you find hot always crazy?" Angel chuckled, slapping him on the shoulder.

Coco smirked. He had no idea.

"I saw a campfire near the camp and wanted to check it, make sure there was no danger to the rebels. I found a chick there, she was the one who shot me."

"You know better than sneaking up on girls in the dark," Angel chuckled. "She left you there bleeding?"

"Nah man, she brought me here and is chillin' at my house now man."

He shrugged; he didn't know how to answer the surprised look in his friend's eyes. The smirk on his brother's face was annoying as hell and so he turned and limped towards the exit. Angel could keep up with him effortlessly.

"I'll bring her back to the camp tomorrow, I don't think she wants to stay. She grew up around here and was afraid people would recognize her or somethin'." He didn't know if it was safe to drive, but he thought he could manage with help of a few painkillers.

"Sounds like a mysterious girl. You sure she's real?" Angel chuckled once more. "Or are you just makin' up stories to cover up shooting yourself?"

With the crutch still in his hand, he swung an arm around Angel's shoulder. "You'll see brother. You'll see. She's fucking hot. And crazy, but I love that."

Angel wrapped an arm around his waist. "Yea, tell me something new."

They stopped in front of Angel's car and Coco helped himself into the backseat.

"If you gimme the keys, I'll get EZ bring your bike over later."

Coco handed him the keys and leaned back in the seat.

A few minutes later they pulled up to his house. All the lights were out. Was she already sleeping? He knocked on the door, but there was no answer.

"You really sure you haven't tried to hook up with a ghost?" Angel smirked.

Coco couldn't laugh about it though, rather he felt annoyed. What the hell was going on?

"Hey Nightingale," he yelled, banging on the door and cursing the fact that he didn't even know her real name. "Open up."

Angel's chuckles were making him angry, making him want to punch him in his face. Instead of doing so, he stepped off the doormat. "Take a look underneath it, will ya?"

It was the only spot he could think of where she might have hidden the key if she really had left. Or had she taken it with her? Maybe she never had the intention of staying at all. She might as well have cleared him out - taken all his valuable stuff and left. Gritting his teeth, he suddenly felt dumb as hell. Who else was stupid enough to give a woman who they had just met, and then been shot by a key of their house?

"That's a pretty dumb place to keep a spare one." Angel rolled his eyes, bent over and picked up the door mat.

Coco let out a relieved breath as Angel found the key underneath. The fact that her thoughts had followed the same route as his, satisfied him. Angel opened the door and Coco clumsily pushed his way into his house.

All his belongings were still there. There was a glass on the counter top, but other than that no trace of the woman could be found. There was no note, nothing. Disappointment pulled down the corners of his mouth.

Angel plopped down on the couch, looking over his shoulder. "So she really is a ghost. Maybe someone knocked you on the head too eh?"

"Shut up," he grunted, putting his crutches against the wall. Even though he wasn't supposed to drink alcohol yet, he ignored the advice and grabbed the nearest bottle, pouring himself a drink. He stared through the window, part of him expecting to catch a glimpse of her.

But she was gone. 

. . .

Sorry it took so long to upload, I have some trouble to really get into this story. I'm just too obsessed with my SOA stories, so maybe you want t ocheck them out too? <3

Anyway, let me know what you think of the chapter, that might help to stay motivated. (: 

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