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An unpleasant silence filled the room once Juanita had gone to his bedroom. Sighing, Coco lit a cigarette. Angel sat on the couch, bent over, elbows leaning on his knees, his hands in his hair. Coco found it hard to imagine how his best friend was feeling. In all those years he had known him, he had talked about his missing sister very rarely. All he had told him, was that she disappeared eight years ago, soon after her mother's death. Some believed she had committed suicide, Angel however had never believed that, telling him she was stronger than that. Coco never had an opinion about it; he didn't know the girl. He and his sisters weren't close and even though he didn't wish them dead, it had been so long since he had seen them that he wouldn't even miss them, he would probably not even shed a tear at their funeral. 

"What the hell am I supposed to do with this?" Angel grunted. "She's like a stranger to me." His shoulders slumped. "We used to be so close... I just don't get it." Sighing, he kept silent.

"Have some patience," Coco tried. "The past years have made her harsh and she isn't the most social person I've ever met but she has a good heart. She could have left me to die, that time she shot me in the desert. Instead, she treated the wound and took me to the hospital. She's just has this crazy act first, think later mentality." He lifted the corner of his mouth. "Which she learned from the best."

Another deep sigh left Angel's lips. "I still can't believe you fucked her."

Coco took a deep drag from the cigarette, holding in the smoke before he breathed out, not knowing what to answer. 

"What is she like?"

"In bed?" A smirk crossed his face, even though Coco knew his friend wasn't in the mood for family jokes. 

Luckily, Angel just glared at him instead of punching him in the face. 

"She's a bit of a loose cannon. Just messin' around, I think. Right before I forced her to tell me who she was, she asked if she could stay with me for a while. Wants to infiltrate in Galindo's house by cosyin' up on Nestor again."

Angel's eyes almost popped out of their sockets; he stared at his friend in complete bewilderment. "Again??"

"As it seems, they used to date."

Angel cursed, rubbing his face. "Like hell she's goin' anywhere near that dickhead."

Coco kept silent. He understood Angel, but he was also convinced that he would only lose Juanita when he would tell her how to live her life. 

"Maybe it's better not to resist. Tell her it's a good plan man."

"But it's a ridiculous plan!"

"Guess it's not what you wanna hear, but that little sister of yours knows very well how to make a man go wild."

Angel's dark eyes met his. "One more comment like that and I will slit your fuckin' throat."

Coco decided to take the threat seriously and nodded in understanding. "That chica is fuckin' stubborn man. You gotta lock her up if you don't want her to do things her own way, and I can assure you it ain't gonna make your relationship any better man."

"But I can't let her jump into bed with a fucking cartel, can I?! If they find out she's passin' information they're gonna burn her! Haven't you seen those fuckin' corpses on the square? If that ain't changin' her mind she's fuckin' insane."

"She's a fuckin' rebel man. You really think she's gonna let you tell her what to do? She's goin' rogue or she's doin' it with our help. It's better if she keeps us close so we can keep an eye on her."

Angel looked at him with a sour face. "No fuckin' way she's gonna live here with you."

He shrugged his shoulders. "You think I want some bitch around? If you can convince her to live with you that would be fuckin' great. But I guess that ain't gonna fit her "I try to flee from my dominant boyfriend"-story that's she's plannin' to tell him." He looked his brother straight in the eye. "You gotta give her a chance man. If not, she's gonna do all this shit behind your back which will make everything worse."

Angel stared forward for a long time. "Fine," he grunted eventually. "But only if she tells me the reason pops hit her." He looked up to Coco. "And don't you dare to touch her as long as she lives her."

Coco lifted his hands in defeat. "Got it man. Nightingale and me are done."

Angel kept his glance for a while, then he nodded, taking his word. Not that there was any reason not to trust him; as great as the sex with her had been, he would never go behind Angel's back, he respected his friend too much. 

Hopefully that sexual tension between them would be gone now, now she was no longer a mystery - and had turned out to be Angel's little sister, of all people.

"Okay," Angel sighed. "Let's agree to this stupid plan of hers." The corners of his mouth dropped. "Maybe that will keep her from runnin' from me again."

Coco nodded, although there was a heavy feeling in his chest.

Despite his words that he supported Juanita's plan, he hated the thought that it would be none other than Nestor Oceteva who would feel her hot lips on his body and who could bury his cock deep inside her heat. 

But she didn't need to know that, and neither did Angel.

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