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For a few moments Cruz just stared dumbfounded at her. Then his eyes narrowed and he lifted his chin, his jaw tensed. "You're fucking kiddin' me right?!"

"I'm not."

Breathing heavily, he shook his head. A torrent of curses rolled off his lips as he grabbed her chin. "You tryin' to get me fuckin' killed? You got any idea what you brother is gonna do to me when he finds out I've been fuckin' his dead little sister?!"

Juanita swung her head to the side. "Felt pretty alive when you were fucking me," she huffed.

Grunting, he raked a hand through his hair. "Fuck man. What kind of stupid puta are ya?!"

"Relax. He doesn't need to know."

"What? That you're fucking alive?!"

"That we fucked dumbass."

"He ain't stupid. He's gonna know." Shaking his head, he stepped away from her, Spanish curses slipping from his lips as he lit a cigarette. He worked his way through the cigarette in silence, then as if making a decision he suddenly grabbed her wrist and started dragging her out of the alley.

"Fuck off," she hissed, trying to tear herself away. His grasp however was firm and right now he didn't care if he was hurting her. She kept tugging at her hand, trying to free herself while also trying to head in another direction. "This ain't any of his business."

"Like hell it is! And you made it my business the moment you refused to tell me your name! What the hell were you thinkin'?!"

Juanita shrugged her shoulders. "That there was this sexy vato who wanted to play. We were just foolin' around... family has no place in my bed."

"And you really thought that I would still agree with you and your dumb idea to play around with the cartel after tellin' me who your blood is?" he snapped while he kept dragging her deeper into town. His free hand went into his pocket and took out his phone. "Angel is gonna cut my balls off for sleepin' with you, but if I push you right into the arms of the cartel he's gonna fuckin' slaughter me."

"It's not his call. It's my life, he has no say in it."

"Yea well he's gonna disagree," he grunted, bending his head to look at the screen of his phone. The moment he pressed the device against his ear, she started to tug at his arm again, trying to break free. "Knock it off!" he said in a dangerously low voice, looking at her with a heated look in his eyes. "Whatever game you were playin', it's over now."

Juanita gritted her teeth, annoyed that he was treating her like some teenage girl who got caught sneaking out of the house. It clearly had been a mistake, sharing her secret. On a whim she lifted her hand and sank her teeth into his wrist. Instead of letting go of her though his grip tightened, while his other hand found its way into her hair giving it a sharp tug, forcing her to look up at him.

"You done now?" he snapped. "Jeez, you're fucking loco!"

"You're the one freaking out man. Stop dragging me around like I'm some little bitch. You really think I'd go live with you and not tell my brothers? I know there's no way around them, but taking down that cartel is more important than my family shit."

Cruz' grasp around her wrist weakened a bit and she yanked her arm away, glaring at him. Angel wasn't picking up his phone anyways. The man looked briefly at her, clearly not knowing what to do now.

Suddenly screams filled the air, panic buzzing around them as people began to rush past. Instead of turning around and following the crowd, Cruz grabbed her hand and dragged her through the panicking mass.

In the middle of a plaza a group of people had gathered, yelling and crying, others holding their phones above their heads to record something. Cruz pushed himself through the crowd with ease until they could see what all the commotion was about.

Juanita stopped breathing, staring in disbelief at the three burnt bodies on the ground. Her legs started to shake, the smell coming from it made her stomach turn and her head swim.

Next to her, Cruz cursed. His arm glided protectively around her waist. She tried to be strong, but she couldn't take her eyes away from the mutilated bodies, knowing Los Olvidados were responsible for their deaths.

"Hey, c'mon. Let's get you outta here." He squeezed her side, trying to distract her from the gruesome scene.

Juanita tore her glance away from the bodies and looked up. She froze. On the other side of the circle of spectators stood Angel. His eyes locked onto her form, staring at her as if he was seeing a ghost.

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