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Juanita pressed her back against the door of the shoe repair that she had dipped into. Peaking out the door she recognized Cruz and Angel between the people in the plaza, they were standing in the middle, looking around. She knew she was a coward for not staying to look her brother in the eye, but seeing him so suddenly had caused her to panic. She just couldn't face him right now. She hated the thought that they would inevitably end up in a fight. She wasn't dumb – she knew how badly she had hurt him. Hiding in the shadows had been much easier than facing the pain she had caused him.

When the two men turned and headed in the opposite direction, Juanita snuck away from her hiding place. Immediately she ran into someone else. The man refused to step aside and when Juanita went to walk past him, she felt a hand glide across her wrist.


She froze as she heard the familiar voice; heart pounding in her chest, she looked up.

It had been eight years since she had seen him, but even after all those years his face hadn't changed much. He still seemed to have a bit of a babyface.

"I'm sorry, you're mistakin' me for someone else." She tore herself away. Her blunt, dismissive behavior must have shocked him, as his grasp loosened and she was able to free her wrist. She rushed away from him, not daring to run since she was afraid to attract attention. But where could she go? She knew that Cruz would tell Angel that she had joined the rebels, so she couldn't go there now and obviously she couldn't go to his place either.

Frustrated she pressed her lips together. She never should have told him. It would have been wiser to come up with another name. Then she could have found a way to get out of meeting his friends during those first few weeks, and eventually he would have dropped it... right?

The sound of running footsteps made her look over shoulder. Of course Ezekiel wouldn't let her leave just like that.

"C'mon Juanita, I know it's you!"

With a sigh she turned towards him, crossing her arms. Fine, if he wanted to get down to it, she could play dirty too. "Why are you out of jail? Made some dirty deal huh? Always the keener Zeke, who you chatting to now?" She looked at the prospect cut that he was wearing. She hadn't known that he was out, let alone that he had been prospecting.

For a moment his eyes widened, his face seemed to pale. "I'm on parole due to good behavior."

Juanita held his glance. He was lying. It had been a wild guess, but being on the run had allowed for suspicion to nestle into her heart. "Right. If that's how you want this to go... if we are just going to tell lies to each other then there's no point in us having a conversation at all, huh?"

Sighing he rubbed his head, looking past her. He was buying time, Juanita realized. He would rather leave her for Angel, who would simply drag her home, no matter how hard of a fight she would put up.

"How 'bout this, if you don't say anything to Angel, I won't say anything to him either and I will let you go."

Now that was interesting, and it was tempting. Just walking away.

But if Ezekiel planned on keeping this meeting from Angel, he must be in some deep shit and at the end of the day he was still her brother.

"Meet me at that bar over there in an hour." She pointed to the other side of the street. "Alone. Then we talk."

She gave him no room to answer, as she rushed back into the safety of the shadows.

. . .

It had been an impulsive action. What the hell could she say to her brother? She really didn't want to share her own story – she didn't plan to tell him much anyway but there was a nasty feeling in her stomach, one that made her worry, especially if he made a deal with Law Enforcement. When she put that idea with the fact that he was a prospect now, something he had never shown interest in before, could only mean one thing – he was gonna rat and that would crush Angel. Father already despised him, she knew she had broken his heart by leaving and now if Ezekiel was going to betray him as well... She was afraid for what would happen to him. She had already seen how people had changed when they lost all that they loved, and unfortunately that same trait was in Angels blood.

From the darkened corner Juanita watched the entrance of the bar, nursing the drink she had ordered. Whether he would really come alone, was hard to say. If they met each other here behind Angel's back, they would both be stabbing the dagger into their brother's heart when he found out. But judging by Zeke's face, the secret was apparently weighing heavy on him... Juanita had a feeling that it outweighed the loyalty to his brother.

Light poured into the bar as the door opened.

Ezekiel entered the bar, eyes looking for her. Juanita waited a moment to see if anyone else was following him, then she raised her hand to attract his attention. 

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