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Many scenarios crossed her mind when Juanita decided to cozy up on Nester, but in none of them, she had been tied to a chair. She found herself on the estate of Galindo — the enormous house she had observed for so many hours to study Nestor. And now, she was inside the house. When she would leave, it would be in a body bag. That much she was sure of. Camila's involvement with the cartel would only stay a secret when Juanita kept her mouth shut. And she could promise them anything, but she was sure the cartel wasn't going to take risks. Her plan led to her death before it even started.

The door opened. Nestor entered the room, followed by two other guys. He shoved a chair towards her and sat down on it, his arms resting on the backrest. The other men stayed on both sides of the door. Her lips curled into a cynical smile. She almost felt important.

"A rebel, Juanita? Who would have guessed. The girl that barely dared to leave her house at night, afraid of punishment."

Juanita shrugged. "Apparently, I'm not the only one who underwent a transformation."

He lifted the corner of his mouth. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"Not so long ago I found out that you were working for the cartel and since our... well, it's barely worth calling it history, but anyway — I thought it would be interesting to pick up where we left."

"And you really thought I would let you play me?"

"It was worth a shot."

"Was it? Is it worth dying for?"

Juanita tried not to let his glance intimidate her, but it wasn't easy. "At that time it was." She glanced through the window, although she didn't see much. Definitely not another person. "But by now I see that Camila played it very well."

"You mean Lydia?"

Of course Camilla had only been a cover. "I guess."

Juanita observed the man. The look in his eyes was so cold that she wondered if it had ever expressed warmth. What was he up to? He didn't have to torture her to get answers. Camilla — or Lydia — had already told him everything he wanted to know.

"Why haven't you attacked the rebel camp yet?"

"We needed a scapegoat." He smiled darkly. "As it seems, we've found ourselves one."

It was clever. When something went wrong, they would blame her so Lydia would stay out of sight.

"Well — then I'm really fucked," she sighed. "Can I have a moment with Lydia before you set me on fire? I always believed we were friends..."

"That won't be necessary."

She suppressed a sigh. He wasn't very helpful. Leaning back in her chair, she tried to feign nonchalance. That would be less fun for him. Or would he be more determined to break her? It was impossible to read Nestor's thoughts. A bit defeated, her shoulders slumped.

"Do your brothers know about the plan?"

She bit her cheek. She didn't want to betray them, but likely, the cartel already knew some of the Mayans were supporting the rebels. "Angel does," she said. Maybe she could keep Ezekiel out of this. After all, he didn't know anything about this. "Who, by the way, thought it was a stupid plan. And he was right, apparently."

"He should have stopped you," Nestor huffed. "He will regret it for the rest of his life."

Fear sputtered in her chest. She didn't want to die. Not like this. Betrayed by a rebel, of all people!

"What are you going to do with me?"

"Whatever Miguel wants me to." His glance wandered across her face. "But whatever it is — it won't be nice."

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