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She didn't know what it was, but something about Cruz' scent was extremely calming. She had never understood why the girls on school liked to wear the sweaters of their boyfriends, but she changed her mind now.

Not that Cruz was her boyfriend...

On the contrary, he was pretty pissed and this was most likely the last night she'd spent in his bed. Without him in it, to make things even worse. The thought caused a pit in her stomach. Not because it was such a disaster not to see him without clothes anymore, but because she remembered everything that had happened the day before. 

Zeke and Angel had found her.

Hell – she even dared to bet the other was sitting in front of her door like a fucking guard dog. Sighing, she sat up. The last thing she wanted, was having a brother telling her what to do with her life. She was no longer his little sister, he had no control over her. 

She decided not to hide in her room; instead she put on her clothes and entered the living room. Cruz was the only one there, sitting sideways on the couch. The moment he saw her, he blew out a thick cloud of smoke. 

"Was the last time, señorita. I'm no gentleman – you live here, you're gonna sleep on the couch. Or on the floor, whatever."

"Afraid you can't keep your hands off me?" she taunted.

"Afraid you can't keep your hands off me."

She smirked as she sat down next to him, pulling the pack of cigarette towards her and lighting up one. "Got a point there, amigo. Where's Angel?"

"Needed some fresh air." Cruz took a drag from his cigarette. "Told him. About your plan with the cartel."

"No wonder he needed fresh air." Juanita didn't blame him for telling her brother – if anything, she was relieved she didn't have to do it. "He's gonna try and stop me?"

"Depends. If you tell him why you pops beat ya, he's gonna allow you to live here and do ya thing."

"Allows me," she huffed. "Well he doesn't have a say."

"Well I do. Is my home."

Juanita wondered how keen he was on sharing his house with her now he was obviously no longer interested in sex, but she was wise enough not to ask him. "Good point."

He lifted the corner of his mouth. 

"Don't do that, Cruz," she warmed him, getting up. "You got what they call a panty dropping smile." She gave him a wink and walked towards the kitchen. She decided to make herself feel home around here and opened the cupboards looking for food. 

. . .

She was halfway her cheese sandwich when the door was opened and Angel stepped inside. The restless look in his eyes told her his morning stroll hadn't helped him to clear his head. 

He sat down across from her. "Coco told me about your plan. What's that between you and Nestor?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "We kissed a few times, did some touchin'. Ain't much more. I was fifteen."

He widened his eyes; apparently he hadn't expected her to still live at home when it happened. 

"He worked at the shooting range I used to go to with Marina. She had a crush on him, he was more interested in me. Kissed a few times in the storage room, use to sneak out of the house to watch the stars with him. We had some really good talks. In the end I felt too guilty towards Marina and I broke contact."

Angel kept her glance. "You kissed him only a few times. You really think he remembers?"

"Kissing me is an unforgettable experience. Ask your friend."

"Leave me outta this."

She briefly glanced at him. Despite his words, a smirk crossed his lips. Damn, that grin... It really was the hottest thing she'd ever seen. 

She focused her attention on her brother again. "It's worth a shot. Maybe I leave him indifferent. Then what? I got nothing to lose."

"I'm more worried you do succeed and fuck up."

"Why would I fuck it up? C'mon, Nestor is hot. Don't have to pretend anythin'."

Her eyes shot to Cruz, who was gritting his teeth. Ha, he didn't like that comment, even though he was trying to hide it. But no man liked to share his conquest. 

"If you don't have to pretend anything you're gonna end up on the wrong side of this shit," Angel noticed. 

"I won't. C'mon, I could never forget the horror the cartel caused. For eight years I've been surrounded by people who lost everything because of 'em. Hell – a damn cartel is the reason I ran in the first place!"

In complete confusion, Angel looked her in the eye. "What? Why?"

She hadn't forgotten about Cruz's words: that her brothers would rather be reunited with their sister than keeping their father. And so, she revealed the truth she had wanted to keep from him so badly. 

"Pops worked for a cartel."

. . .

Hey all! 

I wanted to inform you about my newest story 'Rivals'. It's a Mayans/SOA crossover and although it focuses on the Oakland charter, some guys from Santo Padre might show up as well. I'm not sure who, so if you have a preference, tell me. ;D 

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