Laughing Bout' The Wine That Stains Their Teeth,

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"Rain, wake up"

Josh had taken to calling me Rain again.

He prodded my shoulder and I turned to face him, as my left cheek hit the pillow, he planted a kiss on my forehead. I smiled at the gesture, simple but effective, and intertwined my legs with his.

"Crimson I can't stay in bed, I made plans with Gaskarth."

"Alex is my friend, he'll forgive you."

"No he won't!" A voice bellowed through the tour bus.

Alex knocked on the curtain, making clicking noises with his mouth for every contact his knuckles made with the thin cloth. Josh pulled the ugly red material aside and Alex pulled a face, seemingly disgusted.

"So, where's my two favourite guys headed then?" I pressed.

"Interview then shopping for your bir..." Alex was interrupted by Josh.

I was aware that they'd be birthday shopping. After all my birthday was tomorrow.

"Just shopping for birds, erm, bird decorations that is. Apparently they're really cool to have around the house" Josh saved terribly.

" I believe you." I replied with a smirk and turned to face josh.

I kissed the tip of his nose then pushed him out of the little bunk we shared. He landed on the floor with a thud and I couldn't control my laughter. Lex joined in and within seconds Josh shot me a disapproving glare. He got up and pulled on a pair of jeans that looked to have been worn in mud and rain. Alex must've noticed it too because he bellowed from the top of his lungs,


And with that they left, slamming the creaky door of the bus shut. I jumped out of Josh's bunk and into a pair of skinny jeans and an old shirt with Bobba Fett on it. I think it was originally Alex's and I stole it on tour.

I made my way to the bathroom and well, used the facilities. But I came in here with something else in mind, then in the corner of my eye I saw it. The little blue box on the third shelf under the sink. I grabbed it and shakily emptied it's contents onto the counter.

The thought of doing this had petrified me for the past few days, even though, in the long run, it would be over in a few minutes.

I was dying my hair.

I know it's not particularly a big deal, but I'd never even highlighted my hair before. So this was new.

The dye was acid green, and would transform me into the pop-punk princess I had always dreamt of being. But mainly, I was doing it to embrace the fact that I could be reckless, and a little stupid.

I rubbed the solution into my hair and set a timer to rinse it out, luckily it had bleaching properties so I didn't have to bleach it first.

"CRIMSON!" I heard a yell from the bus lounge. It was Rian.

I scrambled to him and tried to look casual even though my head looked toxic.

"Either that's a freaky shampoo or you've been swimming near a power plant." Rian chuckled.

"Hilarious. What do you want?"

"Okay stressy, I'm here because you need to know something" he paused. "You might want to sit down."

"Crimson sometimes in life, the things you love most are taken from you, and it hurts. Alex was in a car accident. He didn't make it."


"Just kidding I came to see if you were still here or whether you went with the guys to go shopping."

I grabbed a pillow and slammed it on Rian's back between every word.


He backed off and apologised. Leaving the tour bus as he could see I was ready to murder him.

My timer rang and I washed my hair. It wasn't exactly the green I wanted, it was slightly less vibrant and a few shades darker, but it was still nice. It was still a different me.

"Hey Crimson the interview just finished and I came to check in on woah..." Josh paused. "... I love that. Wow."

I ran up to him and hugged him, wrapping my legs round his waist, burying my face in his neck. He shuffled me further up and lifted my head with his, pulling me into a kiss, which I ,of course, didn't mind returning. I placed my hands on his neck and tightened my grip with my legs. Josh sat down and we both separated for breath.

"God I love you." I panted.

Josh just smiled, I didn't expect a reply, I said it for the sake of love. Josh always told me he loved me anyway.

At that moment Josh tilted my chin and went to kiss me again, and Alex walked in.

"Cock blocked by Alex Gaskarth" Josh announced and I giggled.

Alex looked really apologetic and I told him not to worry. It wasn't his fault.

"Josh are you wanting to go shopping later or now?" He stuttered.

"Gimme an hour Alex, now that I've seen her I can't quite leave her."

An hour was all we needed.

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